Use Your Sisters Instead

Mary had a problem: her 19-year-old son, Michael, would not stop masturbating.

 Mary had never had this problem with Michael's three sisters. They weren't jamming their hands down their pants every free minute they got. Mary, herself, had certainly never done such things. She was sure that her John had not, as well, when he was alive. How else had he gotten her with child in such quick succession? A family of four children in four years was the sign of a truly moral man.
 Mary found out about Michael's habit in the usual way. She went into his bedroom to pick up the laundry and there he was, jamming on himself like a deranged animal. It was horrible, and she told him to stop immediately. Mary was angry at her son, of course, but most of all she was scared. She knew what Michael was doing was a terrible sin.

 But Michael kept masturbating despite the impending doom it implied. He did his best to hide his activities. But once Mary knew the signs - the closed door, the loud music, the mysteriously sticky underwear and the vast consumption of tissues - she was always able to catch him. Mary started off being kind. She patiently explained that it was natural for a boy Michael's age to have urges, but that God wanted him to remain pure. Then Mary threatened her son, telling him that every ejaculation would lead him one step closer to eternal damnation. She even tried punishments, ordering him off to bed without dinner as soon as she saw what he was up to. But everything she tried only seemed to make him do it more. With nowhere left to turn, Mary went to talk to their family priest. She was embarrassed, of course. Admitting that she couldn't control her son, keep him on the moral path, made her feel like a failure. But Mary needed Father Donovan's wisdom more than her pride. They met in his private office. Everything smelled slightly of old books and fresh potpourri. Sitting on the far side of Father Donovan's oversized wooden desk, Mary told him everything. "I'm sorry Mary," Father Donovan said, "I know that losing your husband so young was hard for your family. Michael in particular. But masturbation is a sin. God is very clear about this. Man is only permitted to ejaculate inside a woman's vagina. Not in his underwear, a tissue, his own hand, or... Well, anywhere else he might think to put it." "But he'll go to Hell," Mary said and sobbed. "That's why he needs your help."

 The long drive home gave Mary plenty of time to think about her problem. Could she wrap Michael's penis in something that kept him from touching it? What if she made sure someone was watching him all the time? It all sounded so stupid and ridiculous. Mary was failing her son and she knew it.

 And then it came to her. Father Donovan had not said that Michael couldn't masturbate. The act itself was fine - it was the result, and what Michael did with it, that was the problem. Mary simply needed the appropriate receptacle for her son's spend. And wouldn't you know it? She had three of them just waiting for her at home. * Mary asked the entire family to join her around the kitchen table. The first to come down the stairs was her oldest daughter. Hope was 21, tall and thin with dark brown hair that she always kept tied up in a ponytail. She was wearing a pair of sensible slacks with a sweater over a button-down shirt. Her middle daughter, Chastity, came down next. She was 20 and about medium height with bright blonde hair that ran in rings to her shoulders. She had a broader build, like her father's. Chastity was wearing a light blue sun dress that probably showed a bit too much of her large chest and shapely legs. Finally Tabitha, the youngest at 18, entered the room.

With light brown hair down to the middle of her back, she was a bit shorter than Chastity and a bit curvier than Hope. Especially in the hips. She was wearing a t-shirt with some cartoon character on it and a pair of ripped up jeans. All three were very pretty girls - bright. Hope and Chastity were both top of their classes at college nearby, and Tabitha was in line for a scholarship to Villanova. And all three of them were single. It wasn't appropriate for such young women to have boyfriends. But Mary knew each would make an excellent wife sometime in the future. Once everyone was seated, Mary called Michael into the room. At 19, he was tall and muscular, though often clumsy - like a boy trapped in an adult's body. It didn't help that it seemed like he'd outgrown his clothes overnight. Everything was just a tad too tight on her son's body. Michael's unruly, curly brown hair bounced as he flopped into his seat. He clearly thought he was in some kind of trouble. Mary smiled - he was going to feel much better once she told him the good news. "As all of you know, I've been struggling with how to deal with your brother and his little problem." "Moooom," Michael said, burying his head behind his muscular arms, "Why are you always talking about this? It's so embarrassing." "If you could control yourself we wouldn't have to talk about it," Mary said. "It's OK, Michael," Hope said, kindly. She had stepped in as a surrogate second parent for her younger siblings after their father had died. "It's perfectly natural to want to do things like that. Especially as a young man." As always, Hope had a serious look on her face. The archetypal first child - driven and deliberate. "I agree," Tabitha said, "I've read a lot about it." She was the smartest in the family, though also the most innocent. Tabitha spent so much time behind a screen, she often struggled when she stepped out into the real world.

 "Yeah," Chastity said, "Everybody knows boys have to pet the one-eyed snake once a day or they, like, die." That was Chastity - always teasing. She wasn't mean, but Chastity wasn't exactly kind to her kin, either. "Some people clearly think this is funny," Mary said, "But I know better. At first, I thought that you were innocent, Michael. Naive. Then I believed that you were doing it on purpose. Trying to hurt me and the family. But I've come to understand the truth: you cannot control yourself. And it's my job - the family's job - to help you. To keep your soul safe. That's why I've been talking to Father Donovan." "Oh my God. Does everyone have to know?" Michael asked. "Yes God," Mary said, "That's exactly the problem. Father Donovan made it very clear that you will be damned forever if we don't stop you from spilling your sperm all over the house. And unlike some people, I know that Father Donovan isn't the type to say things just to jerk me around." Chastity giggled. "In fact, Father Donovan has given me an idea for how we can handle Michael's problem, so it doesn't shoot us all in the face." Chastity burst out laughing. Her face bright red.

 "It's not a joke, Chastity," Mary said, "We're all going to have to work together to make Father Donovan's solution work." Well, it had been Mary's solution, really. But she felt like the family was more likely to listen if she put a bit of priestly guidance behind her thinking. And Father Donovan had given her the seed of the idea. The room went silent. She had their attention. "Father Donovan reminded me that the problem isn't Michael's horrible addiction to self-pleasure..." "Mooooom," Michael groaned. "'s what he's doing with the results." "Look, Mom," Hope said, "We all want to help Michael out, but shouldn't this be a conversation between you and him? I'm not sure why we need to be involved."

 "Because you're the ones that have to help him," Mary said. "Wait," Chastity said, "You want us to like, jerk him..." "Oh my Lord no! You can't do that to your brother. That would be terrible!" Mary said, shocked. She felt the whole room seem to sigh in relief, "Michael needs to ejaculate in your vaginas, not your hands." All three sisters went stiff. They looked at each other side eyed. No one breathed, let alone said anything. Mary saw that Michael, however, was staring straight at Tabitha. He was making a very strange face that looked almost like desire. "Isn't it the perfect solution?" Mary said, "God wants Michael's sperm to go inside a woman. So long as he does that, it's OK."

 "You want us to fu... I mean, have intercourse with Michael?" Hope asked. Her voice slipped out like a whisper. "Oh no, honey. Not at all. Michael will do his thing as usual. When he's ready to go, he'll just finish where he's supposed to. That's all." "Oh, well if that's all," Chastity said. "See," Mary said, "Your sister gets it." "But Momma," Tabitha said, "None of us are on the pill." "That's exactly right, honey," Mary said, "Birth control is also a sin. No pill or condoms or any of that. But there's such a thing as the rhythm method. Your body is only fertile for a few days each month, when you're ovulating. And we'll know when that is because we can track it on the calendar. Plus there's other signs too. So when you're not safe, Michael will simply use one of your other sisters, instead. That's why all of you have to work together." "I'm so confused," Hope said. "It's easy," Mary said, disappointed that her eldest daughter, of all people, didn't get it, "But if it makes you feel better, I'll supervise the first few times to make sure we get it right." "Mom," Hope said, "I get that you're trying to help. But I don't know..."

 Mary's patience finally snapped. "I have had it up to here with the entitlement in this family!" Mary jumped out of her seat, waving her finger at her daughters as she spoke. "I work so hard to provide for all of you. But I ask you to make one little sacrifice, one, and it's too much to ask. Clearly, I've raised selfish, spoiled little brats. If you're not willing to do this for your brother, maybe I should stop doing things for you. College, cell phones, clothes. I don't need to pay for those things. Maybe when you're working three jobs instead of going to class, you'll understand what it means to make concessions for the people you love." The three girls all looked at each other with scared, tiny eyes. They tried asking more questions, but Mary made it clear that this was the only way forward. Finally, she extracted a promise from each of them that they would help their brother, no matter what. God, what was so hard about assisting a sibling, honestly? As everyone left the room, Mary realized that her son hadn't said anything at all about her plan. He'd just nodded when she asked him to promise to use his sisters from then on. She supposed that Michael was so ashamed that it had come to this he couldn't say a word. Or perhaps he was overcome with happiness. After all, Mary had just saved his soul.

 Mary bought a big calendar and tacked it up on the fridge. Then she made each of the girls mark down their cycles so that they could determine their safe days. You'd think she was asking them to choose which finger they wanted to cut off, for all their complaining. Mary knew better than to ask Michael to be regular about his activities. They would all have to play by ear and figure things out as they went. Fortunately, all three girls lived at home and they all had different schedules with school, extracurricular activities and, of course, church. That meant at least one sister would be available at all times. With everything set up, Mary wanted to get things started as soon as possible. Fortunately, her son was on the same wavelength. That very next evening, after dinner, she heard music blaring in Michael's room. Her favorite scented hand lotion was missing from her bathroom. All the signs were there. Mary opened the door and, sure enough, there was Michael lying back on his bed. Pants around his ankles. Penis in his palm. Mary had heard boys liked to look at pictures when they did it, but her son just had his eyes squeezed shut. His body twisted in rising pleasure. He was whispering a word that sounded a bit like 'Tabitha,' but Mary couldn't be sure. Michael's eyes popped open when his mother walked in the room. "Holy... Mom! I told you not to bother me when I'm... When my door is shut." "And I told you what to do the next time you masturbate," Mary said. She crossed her arms with disdain. Michael lay back, looking shocked. His penis was still in his fist, pulsing and purple.

 "Well, come on then," Mary said, "Let's get this over with. Unless you need more time." "No! I mean. No - it's pretty close." "Good," Mary said, "Let's go find your sister." "You mean Tabitha?" Michael asked, hopefully. Mary eyed him warily. One sister shouldn't be any more desirable than another. In any case, Tabitha was at volleyball practice and Hope had a night class. But fortunately Chastity was in her room and almost certainly ready to help. "Maybe I'll wait," Michael said, "I'm pretty sure Chastity hates me." "Chastity doesn't hate you," Mary said, "She just has a unique way of expressing her feelings." Michael looked ready to protest more, so she grabbed her son by the arm, dragged him out of his room, and marched him down the hall. "Chastity is going to be so mad," Michael said. "Of course she won't. If anything, she'd be angrier if you didn't let her help you. You'll see." Mary knocked on Chastity's door (a courtesy she hadn't given her son) and then opened the door. Chastity was lying back on her bed, reading a book. She was wearing a conservative set of pajamas - red black plaid with long sleeves that almost looked like a little bedroom business suit. Chastity's golden curls splayed out on the pillow behind her. "What we talked about," Mary said, "It's time." She shoved her son into the room. Michael was completely naked. He kept his head down, avoiding everyone's eyes. He held his erect penis in his hand like it was something that needed carrying. It looked to be about the same size as her husband's, Mary noticed. Perhaps a bit longer and definitely thicker. A very nice penis that would someday give Michael's future wife a lot of healthy babies. Chastity looked up at her brother in shock. Her mouth moved, like she was trying to spin up a sassy retort, but no sound came out. "Well, get on with it," Mary said. The siblings stared back at their mother. "Must I do everything? Fine. Michael, you said you were close, so get moving. Chastity, take your clothes off. You need to be ready when your brother is, or this will all be for nothing. Don't just stare at me like idiots. This is what we agreed to - get going!"

 Michael began rubbing his hand up and down his member lightly. It didn't look to Mary like he was doing much, but she was willing to concede that everyone worked differently. Chastity lifted her pajama shirt over her head. Her large breasts spilled out. "Holy fuck, sis!" Michael said, "Nice!" Chastity gave her brother a look - it was supposed to be nasty, but it came out as kind of pleased. Mary had to admit, her daughter's breasts were quite big. Yet they still had the perkiness of youth. Her little pink nipples poked outward. It occurred to Mary that her daughter didn't actually need to take her top off for this, but it was too late by that point. Plus it seemed to be working for Michael. He was rubbing himself much faster. Chastity slid off her pants, then she lay back on the bed. "Spread your legs a little, honey," Mary said. She stepped forward and pulled Chastity's knees apart. Her daughter's sex was as purple as her son's - her labia hung open and wanting. The strong scent of female arousal filled the room. "You getting turned on by your sister, Perv?" Chastity asked. "Oh yes," Michael said, like he couldn't hear the insult. His whole body turned red. He was breathing like he'd just run a race. Michael started to rub even faster - completely focused on his sister's naked body.

 "OK, Michael. When you're..." "Oh FUCK, I'm going to..." Michael tried to jump forward but it was too late. His semen spurted onto his sister's stomach and chest. He groaned as his body jerked, every ejaculation slowly covering his sister's ample chest. "Ewww, gross!" Chastity said as she was splashed with her brother's sperm. "You need to cum in your sister, dear, not on her," Mary said, not unkindly, "Don't worry. We'll keep practicing and you'll get it right eventually." She rubbed his head lovingly. Michael looked down at what he'd done. "Sorry," Michael said, "I'm so sorry." He ran out of the room. Mary glared down at Chastity. "That wasn't exactly what I meant by being supportive." "It's not my fault he shot his spooge all over me," Chastity said. "You didn't have to make him feel bad about it, though, did you?" Chastity got up and started to wipe herself off with a tissue. She sighed. "Stupid, useless brother." "We're all learning here," Mary said, "I expect you to be more encouraging next time, OK?" "You mean, like, beg him to stuff my aching pussy with his huge, hard cock until he blasts me full of his hot, sticky cum?" "Well, maybe not that encouraging," Mary said.

 After a little time had passed, Mary went to her son's room and talked to him. She told him that no one was upset. He just needed to learn to time things better. "With Chastity there naked and watching me. I'm sorry, Mom. I lost control," Michael said. "I understand honey. And now we know how to fix things for next time," Mary said. Michael nodded. She thought, for a moment, she saw him smile. "Chastity is very beautiful, isn't she?" Mary said. "She's OK." "And Hope," Mary said, "Don't you think she's pretty?" "Sure, I guess. They're my sisters. Chastity's so mean and Hope's always being bossy. It's hard for me to think of them that way." "And Tabitha?" "Oh, Tabby's gorgeous. Everyone knows that," Michael said. "Mmhmm," Mary said, "You're a very lucky boy." "I suppose I am." * After the previous day's debacle, Mary knew she needed to adjust her idea of how things would go. Just randomly selecting a sister in the moment was too complicated. They needed to make the process as easy as possible to start with. Later, once they had a system, they could be less organized about things. She also decided that Michael may have been right. Mary had no doubt that Chastity would be fine in the long run, but she probably wasn't the best choice for a first try. And if the 20-year old blonde had struggled with doing things right, then starting things off with baby, brunette Tabitha was out of the question. Plus Michael's own reactions to his little sister were a bit troubling. This was supposed to be functional, not fantasy.

 So, Mary made Michael promise the next day to masturbate at a certain time. He grumbled and complained but he agreed. Then she made sure Hope would be around at the right moment and ready. Mary told her oldest daughter to wait in her room, already naked. Then she went to Michael and told him he could begin. Mary waited in the hallway while her son went to work. She thought it would be a few minutes, but a good amount of time passed before she heard her son's door open. He was naked again and cradling his penis the same way he had before. It looked a little larger this time, somehow. Mary led him back to Hope's bedroom. The tall brunette knew to expect them, so Mary didn't bother to knock. She opened the door and shoved Michael inside. Much like her sister the day before, Hope lay back naked on top of the covers. She was long enough that her feet hung off the end of the bed. Hope was very thin with tiny, barely-there breasts. Her brown hair was still neatly tied back in a ponytail. Hope was very beautiful - all my girls are, Mary thought proudly - and she could see by Michael's reaction to his naked sister that he found her attractive as well. Despite his earlier denial. Hope smiled at her brother and gestured warmly for him to enter. "It's OK, Michael," Hope said, "I'm here for you." She opened her legs, raising her knees to give Michael easy access to her sex. Michael stood at the end of the bed, penis in his hand. He was stroking it so fast, Mary could barely see his fist. "Are you getting close?" Hope asked. Michael just moaned and nodded.

 "When you're ready," Mary said, "Don't wait too long like last time." Michael stepped forward and lined his penis up with his sister's vagina. He did his best to still rub it as he did. Then, slowly, he moved the head so it was lodged in his oldest sister's opening. She made a little "hmph" noise as he entered her for the first time. "OH! Wow," Michael said, "Hope. You feel so..." "Much better than a hand, isn't it, son?" Mary said. "Incredible," Michael said. His eyes filled with wonder at the pleasure he could feel just from being inside a woman. "Get it all in there," Mary said, "I don't want any to escape." Michael leaned forward and Mary saw his shaft disappear into his sister's body. Hope bit her lip. Tossed her head back. "So good..." Michael said. He reached down to start rubbing his penis again but found there wasn't enough shaft to grab. He looked back at Mary with a sad, confused face. "Pump her," Mary said, "Just a little. To make your stuff come out." Michael drew back then pushed forward. Hope let out a deep breath as he did so. In. Out. Two more times. Then suddenly Michael convulsed. His testicles jumped upward. And Mary knew that her son was spending inside her daughter. "Oh YES!" Michael cried. "MMMmmmph," Hope gasped. Michael stayed in his sister until he stopped shaking. Then slowly pulled back. Mary saw a bit of white liquid leak from the head of his penis. "NO!" she shouted and shoved Michael back inside his sister. The two siblings stood there, connected, looking at each other almost with wonder. Michael's penis gently pulsed inside Hope. Only after she was satisfied that all of her son's sperm had been left in the proper place, Mary let Michael pull out. Hope sat up like it was nothing. She grabbed a tissue and held it to her dripping sex. Mary supposed that so long as the sperm was in Hope's vagina initially, God couldn't be too concerned if it leaked out later. Michael stood over his sister, his deflating penis still in his hand. He was shivering slightly. "What do you say?" Mary asked.

 "Thank you, sis." "No problem, Michael," Hope said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some reading to do for class." "Excellent," Mary said, "Remember, Michael, if you need Hope again, just let her know, OK?" Michael nodded, seriously. * Now that everything had gone so well with Hope, Mary was ready to try again with Chastity. As Hope had done, the blonde girl got undressed and then waited for her brother to show up. Michael came into the room soon after, Mary trailing behind him. Chastity's room smelled strongly of her sex again. She gave her brother a smarmy grin, then turned it sweet for her Mother. "Try not to blow it, little bro," Chastity said. Mary thought there was little chance of that. Michael had come out of his room much more quickly this time, and Mary thought his penis looked a bit less primed. But she knew that it was folly to assume that every time would be exactly the same. That's why they needed to practice. Michael lightly stroked his cock, while Chastity slid forward, putting her open vagina at the edge of the bed. "Remember Michael, just like with Hope," Mary said. Michael nodded, then fed his penis into his sister's sex. He didn't stop at the head this time, but instead buried himself to the hilt inside Chastity. Then he started rocking back and forth. The room was filled with squelching sounds as Michael slid inside his sister. "Ffffff... She's really tight," Michael said, "Feels so good." "Better than Hope?" Chastity asked, grinning wickedly. "I'm sure everyone feels different, dear," Mary said, "But also equally as good. Right Michael?" "Y... Yes. Oh Yes." "OK honey," Mary said, "Just go ahead and..." As if on impulse, Michael's arms shot out and suddenly grabbed his older sister's massive breasts. Mary expected Chastity to scream and slap him, but instead she sort of grunted and let him grope at her. Almost as soon as he touched his sister's chest, Michael's body began to cinch. "Oh... Oh GOD!" "Is he doing it?" Mary asked.

 "Yuh. Oh yeah," Chastity said, "I can feel it spurting in me. I was wrong before. When I said his sperm was icky. It's actually kind of awesome." "OK, good. Remember not to pull out too soon, Michael." Mary said. Her son nodded as the pleasure washed over him. * Mary thought that would be it for the day, but later that night she heard a knock on her door. When she opened it, she saw Michael, standing there and looking pained. His penis peeked through the doorway. "Oh," Mary said, "OK." Michael tried to lead her to Tabitha's room, but Mary dragged him back toward Hope's. She knocked on her daughter's door and then opened it. "Hey, what's..." Hope looked up and saw her naked brother standing behind his mother. Penis at the ready. "Oh! OK, sure." Hope jumped up and shucked off her pajamas - the same red plaid ones all the girls wore. Then Hope lay back down on her bed, her legs spread lewdly. Michael looked down at his oldest sister and grinned. Without a word, he went between Hope's legs. Hope gasped as her brother entered her. Michael started pumping right away. Already a veteran. Hope looked over at her mother and made a sour face. "It shouldn't be much longer, now," Mary said. "It's not fair," Hope said, "Chastity told me Michael played with her breasts before, but he's not even touching mine. "Michael, play with your sister's breasts." "Yes Mom. Sorry Sis," Michael reached over and took Hope's tiny breasts in his hands. He tweaked her nipples, too. "It's OK," Hope said, "I forgive... OH!" "God Hope, you feel so good!" Michael shuddered and fell forward. Hope made a long low whine. Her chest and face went cherry red. Her legs kicked out. Twitched. She squeaked out little sounds and her green eyes squeezed shut. Wrapped her arms around her brother's back and shook. Mary knew her daughter didn't mean to, but Hope was clearly experiencing an orgasm as her brother filled her with his cum.

 After it was over, Mary walked Michael back to his room. "I think we've got this," she told him, "You don't have to come get me every time now. Just grab Hope or Chastity and do what you need to do. Michael nodded, then leaned down and gave Mary a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Mom. I mean... For everything." Mary smiled wide. She'd really, truly done it.

 The next afternoon, a naked Michael ran into the living room like the house was on fire. His erect penis flopped comically as he ran "Mom? We have a problem." "I thought we solved this," Mary said, pausing her movie. Michael explained that Hope wasn't in her room and so he'd gone to Chastity. But she had told him it was her fertile time. Mary went into the kitchen and looked at the calendar. Sure enough, Chastity would be out of the rotation for a few days. That meant only Tabitha was left. After everything had gone so well with Hope and Chastity, Mary had quietly decided not to involve her youngest daughter. Now though, it looked like Tabitha was the only option. Mary was glad that Michael had come to her, first. "I thought it would be best," Michael said. They walked together over to Tabitha's room. Michael's penis seemed not to flag even a little. Oh, to be young again. Mary went in first and found Tabitha watching a movie on Netflix. The small, brown-haired girl took off her headphones.

 "Hi Mom, what's wrong?" "It's your brother." "Oh, is it my turn?" Tabitha asked. She quickly stood. "Hope and Chastity told me all about it. I can't wait. I mean, ummm, I can't wait to help my brother." Tabitha quickly got undressed and lay down in the bed. She really was a mix of her older sisters. She had Chastity's broad shoulders and baby-making hips, combined with Hope's smaller breasts and thinner arms. She smiled, almost eagerly. Then Michael stepped into the room. He'd clearly been stroking his penis while he waited, and it stuck out angrily. He looked down at his sister and gaped. "God Tabitha. You're amazing. I mean, even better than I... um. Wow." Tabitha smiled at her brother, warmly. Then she saw what he was holding and her eyes went wide. "It'll be fine," Mary said. "I know, it's just... I've never seen one before," Tabitha said, "At least not outside a textbook. It's a little imposing." Mary didn't want her baby daughter to have a bad experience with this. If it was too much, Tabitha might not do it again and then they'd be down to only two options. As that day had proven, it was helpful to have a third. Even if it was only for emergencies.

 Mary knew that Tabitha was very cerebral, so she wondered if explaining things a bit clinically would help her get over the initial shock. Tabitha nodded. She sat up on the bed. Her little breasts - a bit larger than Hope's, but not by much - hung down as best they could. "Come here, Michael," Mary said. Her son walked up and stood in front of his baby sister. His sex pointed almost right at her mouth. "This is your brother's penis." Mary gestured at Michael's member, careful not to touch it. "It's also called a cock," Michael said. Tabitha giggled girlishly. "When he rubs it, it gets hard. Erect," Mary said. "Uh huh." "Would you maybe like to touch it?" Michael asked, "You know, see how it feels?" Tabitha reached up and grabbed her older brother's penis. His cock, Mary corrected herself. It sounded like a porn word, but if that's what he called it, who was she to tell him differently? Tabitha and Michael gasped in unison as her tiny hand wrapped around his shaft. "Oh Tabby," Michael said. "It feels so warm," Tabitha said, "Soft. But also strong." "It gets hard so it can go in your vagina," Mary said, "When it's in you and it's your time, Michael's cock will produce sperm and that's how you get babies." "I know that part, Momma," Tabitha said. She hadn't taken her hand off her brother's cock. "Well, are you ready to try it?" Mary asked. Tabitha smiled and leaned back, resting her head on her pillow. "Oh Tabitha," Michael said, taking his penis in hand again, "I've always... I mean, when I would. Back in my room. You were always the one I..." "You're rambling nonsense, dear," Mary said. "It's OK, Michael," Tabitha said. "I'm ready when you are." Michael stepped a little closer to his sister and started stroking, slowly. "It's a little... I just need some more time," he said. "You could just put it in me," Tabitha said with a grin. "Might be more scientific that way."

 "Not till he's ready," Mary said, "You're accepting your brother's sperm so he doesn't go to Hell. You're not fu... Having intercourse." "Right," Tabitha said, "Duh. Does that feel good, Michael? Rubbing it? I mean, like, in a learning sense. So I know for when I'm married." "You look so awesome, Tabitha," Michael said, "It feels so good." "In what way?" Tabitha asked. "It's just this like building pleasure" Michael said, "I slide the loose skin up and down. It's fantastic. Especially when I go over the head." "Hmmmm... It did feel really nice in my hand," Tabitha said. "OK, enough learning time," Mary said, "Let's get this over with. I'm in the middle of a movie here." "OK," Michael said, "I'm getting close." He moved in front of his sister, and, as before, took his cock and rested it at her dripping opening. Tabitha looked down at their impending connection. Entranced. Michael started sliding into his sister. "Oh, Tabby Cat, I always dreamed of..." Suddenly he stopped. He'd gotten himself halfway in. "What's wrong?" Mary asked. "I don't know," Michael said, looking at his mother in confusion, "There's some kind of barrier there or something. Maybe Tabitha's puss... I mean her vagina. Maybe it's really small." Mary almost laughed when she realized what he was saying. He'd reached his sister's hymen. Come to think of it, Mary wondered why Michael hadn't had this issue with his other two sisters. Well it was a problem to be pondered another time. "Can you stroke yourself while you're still in her like that?" Mary asked. "Not really," Michael said. "Well, do your best with what you have," Mary said, "I'm sure it'll be enough." "Yeah, but. I'm worried some of it might spill out."

 "Good point," Mary said, suddenly concerned. "It's OK, Momma," Tabitha said, "He can push it in more. I feel like he can." "You sure, honey?" Mary asked. Michael pulled back a bit, then slid forward. "I can feel it give a little." "Me too," Tabitha said, "Try pushing harder." "You sure Tabitha?" Michael asked, "I don't want to hurt you." Tabitha nodded. Michael drew back. This time he really drove into his sister. Tabitha screamed. Michael groaned. "OH!" Tabitha cried, "Oh fffuck." "Are you OK?" Mary asked. "Y... yeah. I did it. His... I feel it shooting inside me." Michael waited, then pulled out. His penis was streaked with blood. "Oh God. I'm so sorry, sis. I didn't mean to hurt you. I really didn't." "It's OK, Michael," Mary said, and patted him on the back. Tabitha sat up and Mary handed her a few tissues. Thick, pinkish goo dripped out of her vagina. "It doesn't hurt anymore," Tabitha said, "Just feels a little weird. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be ready by the next time you need me." "Are you sure?" Michael said, "Maybe it's better if I don't..." "Don't even think it," Tabitha said, "I want to help the family the same as everyone else."

 Now Mary assumed her job was truly done. All three girls were trained for the next emergency. Eventually, Michael would grow out of this faze and his sisters could stop providing for him. Until then, Mary was happy to stay out of it. However, unintentionally, Mary had set herself up as the director of this entire project and so she found she couldn't escape her responsibilities. She was in charge of the calendar - the siblings relied on her to "assign" Michael a sister when it was time. Like a dirty maitre d'. Further, since Mary had been present at all of the initial attempts, the children treated her as the expert, the coordinator and, when necessary, the referee. Still, Mary tried to disentangle herself as much as possible. The next time Michael came to her with a "need," Mary showed him the calendar and explained how it worked. She told him that he, too, could simply decide which sister was the most appropriate and act accordingly. "I just feel more comfortable when you do it, Mom," Michael said, "When it's me on my own it feels kind of wrong. Pervy. But if we decide as a family..."

 "I can't be here every time you need to do your thing," Mary said, "I have to work, too, honey. But I understand you want to respect your sisters. You're being a good brother. I'll do my best to help out when I can." So, Mary reviewed the calendar with Michael. As it turned out, with Hope out for an early run and Chastity still in the danger zone, It was Tabitha's turn again. Michael's baby sister was going from excused to almost overused. Well, there was no other option - Mary sent her son up to request Tabitha's help. Mary heard the bedroom door shut behind him. She went back to folding clean clothes. But suddenly she heard footsteps and saw her naked daughter standing over her, looking distraught. "We need a little help," Tabitha said, her tiny breasts still jiggling from her run over. Tabitha lead her mother into her room. Michael stood to the side looking sheepish. Tabitha jumped back on the bed, knocking her stuffed bears to the side. She resumed the position. Knees elevated. Thighs apart. "I'm having a little trouble, ummmm. Getting going," Michael said, "I thought I was ready, but when I came in here it just..."

 "Then go back to your room until you really are ready," Mary said. She pushed her hair out of her eyes. Seriously? How had this boy been masturbating on his own all this time? "I can't lie here and wait," Tabitha said, "I have class in a couple minutes. Can't we do something to, like, speed him up?" Both children looked to their Mother earnestly. "Honestly, you two," she said, "I'm not the expert in these things. But it seems as though Michael is just nervous. Tabitha, honey, are you doing your best to make Michael comfortable?" "I mean, I guess," Tabitha said, "I was only asking him questions about his penis. Like how it worked, how it felt. Stuff like that." "Well, there you go, honey," Mary said, "You can't interrogate the boy while he's building up like that." "Oh," Tabitha said, "I'm sorry Michael. I didn't mean to. What can I do to fix it, Momma?" "Well, maybe you could do things that would make Michael feel more comfortable. Like, say nice things about him." "Michael, your penis looks very nice," Tabitha said. "Thanks?" Michael said. He'd resumed slowly stroking himself, but he was clearly still not at full mast. "That's a good start," Mary said, "Try saying other things. And use the word cock, your brother appears to prefer it. We should respect that." "Michael your cock looks really tumescent. I can't wait to have it inside my vagina."

 "A little less clinical, honey." "Maybe you could try, like, touching yourself, too," Michael said, "Not like masturbating. I know that would be wrong. Just, like, little rubs that show you're enjoying what you see." "That's a good idea," Mary said, "Just don't get too into it, like your brother said." Tabitha rubbed her little breast, being sure to tweak the pinkish nipple. With her other hand, she reached down and sort of teased at her opening. She clearly had no idea what she was doing, but the young brunette managed to make a believable appearance of enjoying herself. "Don't forget the talking, dear." "Oh yes," Tabitha said, "Michael, I know you think about me when you... do stuff. I think about you, too sometimes. Here I am. Waiting for you. Wanting you. Please come give me your cock. It looks so good. I want it so bad." Mary thought Tabitha's speech sounded pretty forced, but it clearly did the trick for her son. He lunged forward and buried himself in his little sister. She gasped, but it clearly wasn't as painful as the last time. Tabitha looked down, interested at where her brother and she were now joined. She smiled and clapped. "Yay! Thanks, Momma." Tabitha reached for her brother's hands and pulled them onto her breasts. He squeezed them both, like testing for ripeness. Apparently this was part of the procedure now. Michael moved in and out, then shuddered. He fell forward. Tabitha giggled. "It feels so neat, erupting inside me." "Oh yes," Michael said, his head buried between his sister's breasts. "Well, very good," Mary said, "Just remember what we learned for next time." Both siblings nodded simultaneously. Michael's eyes glazed over with post-sex stupor. His sister's, though, stayed bright and wanting.
 Again, Mary thought she finally had things figured out. But, again, Michael ran out to find her when he needed help. "I thought we talked about this," Mary said, standing over the hot stove and stirring. "We did," Michael said, "And we agreed that it's creepy for me to just commandeer a sister." "You're not whatevering your sisters. That's why the calendar is up. It literally tells you who you should go to for help." "Fine," Michael said. He walked over to the fridge and pouted loudly as he looked. "Ooo, looks like Chastity is back in the rotation." "There you go." A few minutes later, dinner was done, and Mary called for the kids to eat. Hope and Tabitha appeared immediately, but neither Chastity nor Michael showed up.

 "It shouldn't take so long," Mary said. "I'm sure that Michael is just doing what he needs to, Mom," Hope said, "We should try to be respectful of their privacy." Mary gave the girls their meals, but she couldn't stop worrying that something might be wrong. Finally, she gave up and went upstairs. Michael had asked for her help after all - she wasn't snooping, just being supportive. She found the siblings in Chastity's room. The blonde lay back in front of her brother, but he was just standing between her legs. Mary waited by the doorway. She didn't want to interrupt them unless she needed to. Michael clearly had one hand on his cock (Mary had decided to use his word for it from then on), but his other was squeezing his sister's ample breasts. He slid from one to the other - cupping, squeezing, pinching at the nipple. Chastity smiled hungrily up at her brother. Her hands were down at her sex and she was moving them in a way that suggested she was... Oh no. This wouldn't do. It would not do at all. Mary burst into the room. "Chastity! I've finally got Michael in order and now you're doing the same thing? Come on now dear, you know better than that." Both siblings froze and stared at their mother. The scent of Chastity's sex filled Mary's nose. The doting mother immediately felt uncomfortable, like she'd done something wrong. But then Mary's righteous anger took over. Why did they all have to act so ill-behaved? "Well?" Mary asked, "I'm waiting for an explanation." "We. That is. I mean, Mom," Michael said. His penis slowly deflated in his hand. "It's my fault," Chastity said. "Well, obviously," Mary said. "No no. What I mean is, Michael came in here all good and ready like you taught him. But when he tried to put it in me it, like, wouldn't go. You know?" Mary gave her daughter a look that said that, clearly, she did not know. Everything had slid in so easily before. What was different this time? "I was, ummm. God, Mom, I can't believe you're making me say this. I wasn't w... I mean, I lacked lubrication. As Tabitha might put it."

 "Yes, Mom," Michael said, "That's exactly what happened. I tried to put it in Chastity but she was dry and so we couldn't." "Right, so I said, let me get myself ready for you," Chastity said, "That's all we were doing." "Oh honey," Mary said, her heart suddenly aching for her children, "Of course I understand. It's natural that you're not going to be ready for your brother all the time. But you can't rub yourself like that, dear." "But it was really painful for both of us," Chastity said. "Maybe if my stupid brother's stupid dick wasn't so big it'd be easier, but what can we do?" "You need to let Michael do it for you," Mary said, "He should get you ready before he puts it in you." "Oh yes!" Chastity said, "Mom, that's a great idea." "Just make sure you show him what to do, first," Mary said "Right. Don't just squeeze my tit, you big dope. You're not milking me. Reach down and put your finger here," Chastity said. She dragged her brother's hand down below her blonde pubes. "Yes, there you go. That feels... OH!" "Sounds like you're more than wet enough," Mary said. She saw the look on the siblings' faces and decided to step away. They needed to adjust to doing this on their own. Still, she waited by the door, leaving it open a crack to listen, just in case anything went wrong. "I'm going to put it in you now, sis," she heard Michael say. "Yes. OK," Chastity said, "Just keep rubbing there. Yes. That way I don't, ummmm, get dry again all the sudden." "S... sure thing," Michael said. "Feel good now?" "Y... yeah. I feel it. Feel myself getting... Rub faster." Mary heard squelching sounds as Michael worked at his sister. If Chastity was really having this much trouble, it might be a medical issue, she thought. Or perhaps maybe she should buy some lube. All three sisters might need it at some point. "Give it to me," Chastity said, "Faster... ah... ah... OH! OH FUCK!"

 Mary peeked into the door and saw her son shaking as he came. Her daughter was trembling, too. Her body seemed to judder with every one of Michael's ejaculations. Back arched. Blonde hair hanging down. Large breasts shaking. Mouth open in a silent scream. Then, Chastity's body relaxed and she dropped back to the bed. Chastity looked so pretty in that moment, Mary thought, her chest shiny with sweat. Michael stared down at his sister, gasping. Chastity smiled and reached up, patted him on the cheek. "Good boy," Chastity said, "Giving me all your cum." Mary had to agree. She wondered what had gotten into Chastity, acting so sweetly with her sibling. * Over dinner, Mary made sure that Chastity shared their new ground rules with the group. "Lubrication is very important," Mary said, "I don't want any of you getting hurt by not following proper behaviors. Just remember to make sure Michael does it for you. Try to think about it as a kind of tit for tat." "Oh I definitely have a tit for his tat," Chastity said. * The next morning as she walked past Hope's bedroom, Mary couldn't help but hear Michael talking to his sister. "Like this?" he asked. "Slower," Hope said, "And not so hard. You're rubbing my pussy not grinding a garlic clove." "Chastity likes it this way," Michael said with a bit of a whine. "Well Chastity's snatch must be made of steel or something cause that fucking hurts," Hope said. "Sorry," Michael said. "Oh, it's OK, Honey. I know you're just learning." Mary carefully creaked Hope's door open a little more, so she could see what was going on. Hope was in the usual position on her back. Michael leaned over her. He had one hand on Hope's little breast, the other down at her juncture. His penis was practically forgotten.

 "Up a little more," Hope said, "Yes. Feel that little nub there? It's my clitoris. It's what would be my cock if I was a boy. Just think of it as my magic pleasure button. Put your thumb right there and... OH! Little less pressing, but more rubbing. Side to side. Yes." "Chastity was already going by now," Michael said. "Good for Chastity." Mary leaned into the room. Careful not to be noticed, anxious not to miss a moment. As much as she wanted to leave this project to her children, Mary found she was strangely disappointed whenever she missed one of their sessions. "Oh, that's nice," Hope said. "Is your brother doing a good job for you?" Michael asked. "Ssssssooooo good." "You think I can put it in you now, Hope-y?" "Definitely." Michael took his hand off his sister's little breast, but Hope stopped him. "Here, let me get that for you," she said. Then she reached between her legs and aimed Michael's cock at her opening. "Hmmmmm," Hope groaned and kind of giggled as her brother filled her. "Won't be long now." Michael stroked in and out of his sister, then stiffened. Mary knew all the signs. Hope's chest flushed. Her legs tremored. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh... FUCK!" Hope cried out. Michael groaned and that was it. The two of them strained against each other in orgasmic bliss. Michael stayed inside to his sister as they both came down. Hope stroked Michael's face. His arms. Lovingly. Mary realized as she watched them - her children all seemed to be getting so much closer. It felt like they'd all been fighting forever. Especially after John died. But these little moments of kindness were happening more and more. They really were acting like a family, now, and it made Mary swell with joy.

 That evening, Mary came home from shopping to an empty house. She thought the kids must have all gone out. Then she heard voices coming from Tabitha's room. Mary felt a little frustrated. They knew they were supposed to come and greet her first thing when she got home "Hey kids!" Mary said, opening the door. They all stared up at her, looking surprised and a bit embarrassed. Like they'd all been up to something. Tabitha lay back on her bed, completely naked. Michael stood over her, holding his cock. Well that was a normal sight. Mary had to laugh to herself - somehow they'd reached the point where this was perfectly normal No, what made it so surprising was that Chastity and Hope were also in the room. Both girls were fully dressed, standing on either side of Tabitha's bed. "Oh, hi Momma," Tabitha said, "We didn't hear you come home." Mary sighed and stepped into the room. She closed the door behind her. "We thought it would be a good idea to help," Hope said, "The whole lubrication thing. We wanted to make sure our baby sis was comfortable." "We knew the two of them might screw up the screwing," Chastity said, "If you know what I mean."

 "Well, I must say I'm very pleased," Mary said, "How supportive you are of your little sister. But I hope you aren't putting too much pressure on Michael." "Oh no, I'm OK Mom," Michael said. His erection poked outward. "I know my sisters can take care of me." "We were just about to get started," Chastity said, "You want to stay and help?" "I'd just be in the way," Mary said and started to slowly back out. "No, I want Momma to stay," Tabitha said with a bit of a little girl whine. "Well, if it'll make you feel more comfortable," Mary said, "I'll just stand back here and let you girls take care of it." "Right," Hope said, "Let's pick up where we left off. Michael you were about to start rubbing Tabitha's clitoris." "He's got to find it first," Chastity said. "Be supportive, dear," Mary said. Chastity just shook her head with disdain. "Don't forget to put your hand on my breast," Tabitha said. Michael reached with his left hand and found Tabitha's tit. "Don't be afraid to give it a good squeeze," Chastity said.

 "Just not too hard," Hope said, "Good, now reach down and find that little knot of nerves. Just like I showed you. Don't get frustrated if it takes you a little bit. It can be a bit tricky." "Maybe with your itty bitty clitty it can," Chastity said, "Me? You can't miss it." Tabitha gasped. "I think he found the right spot," Hope said. "Definitely," Tabitha said, "Now what?" "Just sort of rub it back and forth," Hope said, "Michael, try different speeds and patterns till you find something that works." "Remember," Mary said, "You're just trying to make sure Tabitha is wet enough to take Michael's cock." "Uh huh," Chastity said, "Don't forget about her tits, doofus." Tabitha groaned. "That feels really good. But now I think I want something inside me, too." "OK, Michael that's your cue," Hope said. Michael took his hand off Tabitha's clitoris and reached for his penis. Tabitha's crotch bucked and she cursed. "Don't stop!" "Sorry," Michael said, "I was just..."

 "As always, I have to do everything," Chastity said. The blonde girl reached over and grabbed her brother's cock. Then she fed it into her baby sister's sex. "There you go," she said, and patted Michael's ass. "Give it to her good." "Yes," Tabitha said, her voice just a breath, "Give it to me." It was not unlike rubbing his belly while patting his head, Mary reflected. Michael had to run his hand side-to-side on his sister while pushing himself back and forth. "Oh..." Tabitha said, "Oh fuck! I f... I feel. Something's building. I think I need to stop."

 "It's OK, Tabby Cat," Hope said. She reached down and ran her fingers through Tabitha's hair. "He's almost there." "Trust me," Chastity said, "Building is a good thing." "N... Not like this. I feel like this kind of pressure," Tabitha said, "I think I'm going to pee." Michael looked over at his sisters. His eyes questioning. But he didn't stop sliding in and out of his sister. "Oh God," Tabitha said, head rolling back and forth. "Feels so good. Don't want him to stop but I..."

 "Maybe we should..." "Oh no!" Tabitha cried. A splash of almost-clear fluid shot out of her vagina and splattered on her brother's bare chest. "Oh YES!" Michael groaned and let his own liquid loose into his younger sister. The siblings seemed to be matching each other, blast for blast. Tabitha's eyes rolled back into her head. Her breasts wobbled and she howled her pleasure. "CUUUMMMMMMMMMIINNnnnnnnng..." Finally, Tabitha's screams started to subside. The two of them slowly straightened. "Wow," Chastity said. "Oh Michael I'm so sorry," Tabitha said, "I just lost control." "It's OK," Michael said, "Kind of neat, actually." "I can't believe I peed on you," Tabitha said. She really seemed upset. "I don't think that was urine," Hope said. "You're a squirter!" Chastity said. "What's that?" Mary asked. She was concerned for her baby girl now. If she had some sort of strange condition. "I've seen it online," Chastity said, "I mean, I've read about it. Some women produce liquid when they orgasm. It's a totally natural thing, I promise." "I'll have to look that up," Tabitha said, her intellectual curiosity overtaking her embarrassment. "I'll send you some sites," Chastity said, "Real educational stuff." "Well I think you both should clean off," Mary said, "And then come down to supper." * After dinner, Mary enlisted Michael to help her do the dishes. They both stood over the sink - Mary washed while Michael dried. It was an old routine she used to do with her husband and now sharing it with Michael felt very comforting. Domestic.

 Since it was just the two of them, Michael felt able to confide in his Mother. "You were right," he told her, "What you said before - my sisters really are stunning." "I'm glad you agree," Mary said. She handed him a dripping bowl and he toweled it off. "Tabitha's soooo beautiful. But now that Chastity's being nice to me, I'm finding that she's really fun to be around. And Hope, I don't know, I saw her as this authority figure. But she's become more like a best friend. Like I could trust her with anything." "I'm glad to hear that," Mary said, and she was. "Like you said, I'm a lucky guy." He handed her the dish towel. She looked up at him confused. "We're only half done," Mary said. "Got to go," Michael said, "All this talking about my sisters - I think it's time for me to 'use' one of them. If you get my meaning." Mary certainly did. She sighed and finished the dishes by herself.

 Finally, it seemed that they'd settled into a regular routine. A few days went by without Mary seeing or hearing much of anything. It was almost as if Michael had stopped entirely, though Mary was pretty sure that was impossible. More likely, the siblings were finally starting to learn to keep things quieter. Then one morning Mary was making breakfast and she heard shouting coming from the dining room. "Well maybe that's because he likes me better," Chastity said. "That's ridiculous," Hope said.

 Mary stepped back from the stove and walked into the other room. Both girls were still in their matching plaid pajamas. Chastity leaned back in her chair looking pleased with herself. Hope was standing, hands down heavy on the table. "We both know he comes to me more often," Chastity said, "Cums more, too. Maybe we should start calling you 'Nope.'" "Last night he was drooling all over my tits, not yours," Hope said "I'll bet," Chastity said, "With your little boobs he was probably starving for more." Hope shrieked and leapt around the table. She grabbed Chastity's pajama shirt by the lapels and lifted her sister up out of the chair, snarling. "Girls!" Mary cried out before she even realized she was ready to speak, "What in the Lord's name are you two doing?" "Chastity's saying that Michael likes her better," Hope said. She still had her sister by the shirt. Her knuckles white. "It's not my fault I have the better body," Chastity said. "Well, I'm definitely better than you at making him happy," Hope said, "He knows when he needs someone to take care of him, I'm the one to go to."

 "And when he wants a good fuck," Chastity said, "He goes to me." Hope growled and pulled tighter. Chastity screamed and reached for Hope's hair. "Both of you stop it this instant!" Mary said. She stood there fuming till the girls let go of each other. They slinked back to their sides of the table, glaring each other down. "First of all," Mary said, "No one is fucking anyone. Understood? You're helping your brother. Just sticking a dick in you for a minute is not having sex. Trust me." Both girls nodded. Mary could see the muscles in Hope's arm slowly start to relax. "Second," Mary said, "Michael loves both of you very much. Chastity, I know that Michael goes to you when he needs a pal, someone to laugh with or watch a movie. But Hope, you and I both know that when Michael wants to be comforted, or if he really needs advice, he turns to you. That doesn't mean he loves either of you less. Just different." "But Moooom," Hope said, "Michael really does go to Chastity more than me." "I'm sure it feels that way, but I bet if we really looked it'd be equal. Plus, Hope, you just had your fertile time last week, so Michael was probably avoiding you a bit more. As he should. And don't forget, you both also need to share with Tabitha. Now, I want this to be the last time I hear of this. Understood?" Both girls nodded sullenly. Mary went back into the kitchen to finish cooking. Later in the day, though, she took Michael aside and talked to him. They agreed that he needed to do a better job of spreading the wealth. And Mary knew that he would honor that. He really did love his sisters too much to intentionally hurt their feelings.

 Mary was wrong about one thing, though. The siblings were graduating to full on sex. It wasn't an immediate change over. Not at first. But Mary kept getting hints - from hearing and watching and just from the way they all talked. Michael was spending less time getting himself ready and more just going in to his sister's rooms to get his relief. It was natural, Mary supposed. Why resort to a fist when a perfectly good vagina was waiting? In some ways, Mary was glad. Michael was learning not to masturbate but, rather, to look for an actual woman. So she didn't exactly discourage the behavior as it became more common. Everyone still acted under the pretense that Michael was rubbing himself to almost-orgasm, then finding a sibling. It was just that 'almost' was getting a wider and wider definition. Then, the inevitable happened. Mary was downstairs doing the laundry when she heard Tabitha call out. She walked up and called back. "Tabitha, honey, what's wrong?" "Momma, Michael's fucking Hope!" she shouted. Mary marched down the hall and swung open the bedroom door. There was Michael, between his oldest sister's long legs, just sawing back and forth. Tabitha stood to the side, gesturing like a ringmaster at the sibling's performance. Wide eyed at what was happening. "Oh my," Mary said. Michael grunted, but he didn't slow his pace one bit. He was totally naked. His toned bottom jiggled slightly with every push. Michael's hands gripped his sister's hips. Hope rocked back and forth on the bed. Her brown hair went everywhere. She made a little grunt each time her brother bottomed out in her. "You said he was supposed to only do the end part," Hope said, "But he came in here and just stuck it in me." "Michael is this true?" Mary heard footsteps echoing down the hallway.

 "No way," Chastity said. She stood behind her mother, staring in wonder at her brother and sister on the bed. "I'm sorry, Mom," Michael said, "I was in my room and feeling, you know. I was going to start rubbing but I know that's wrong. And then I thought, well, doesn't this solve the problem completely?" "Well..." Mary said, starting to feel herself pulled towards saying yes. I mean, I guess I should be proud of the boy in some way. "M... Mom?" Hope asked. "He's not hurting you now is he?" Mary asked. "Oh GOD no," Hope said, "Though he is... uhn... neglecting his lubrication duties." "Sorry, sis," Michael said. He let go of her hips and started massaging her breasts.

 "Oh, that feels great, Michael," Hope said, "But I'd like it if you touched a little lower, too." Michael obliged. He took one hand and started rubbing between his sister's legs. She moaned appreciatively. "Well as long as you're not hurting her I guess it can continue, for now," Mary said, "Just don't do it every time." Given permission, Michael and Hope seemed to speed up. Their movements became more frantic. The sounds of their sex grew louder and less restrained. Instead of just lying back, Hope moved her butt up and down to match her brother's rhythm. Her sex hungrily stretched around his cock. "But Mom," Chastity said, "It's not fair that Hope gets to fuck Michael and we don't."

 "Yes," Tabitha said, "It seems like something we should each get to experience." "I don't know..." "It's OK," Hope said, her body bouncing, "OH! So good! Michael c... clearly knows how to treat his ssssssiiiiiiisters." "Fine. It's agreed," Mary said, "Now let's give them some privacy." She herded the two girls into the hallway and carefully closed the door behind her. As she walked down the hall, she heard the telltale sounds of the siblings' shared crescendo. * Mary had to run errands that afternoon, but she came home to quite a sight. Chastity was bent over the couch, completely naked. Blonde hair ran like waterfalls onto the cushions. Her prominent posterior hung over the armrest, lewdly displaying her vagina. Chastity had bragged to Hope before that her clitoris was easy to find and Mary saw that her daughter wasn't kidding. Chastity's little man in the canoe was more like a giant in his yacht. Michael stood behind his sister, just as naked. He had his hands on her hips and was lining his cock up like he was about to penetrate her. "Oh, hey Mom," Hope said. She was sitting on the couch by Chastity's head, lightly stroking her sister's golden hair. Hope was fully clothed, but Mary could see that telltale flush running up her daughter's neck. "We're just doing our sibling duties."

 "Um, I can see that," Mary said. She almost dropped her groceries to the floor. "But do you think, maybe, it might be better to, you know, do this someplace more private?" "It was way easier to fit everyone out here," Tabitha said. She was standing by her brother's side, also still completely dressed. She had on her glasses and seemed to be studying the entire act like it was a new science project. Mary practically expected her youngest daughter to have a notebook and a pen. Mary wanted to complain, something about this seemed particularly unwholesome. She couldn't say where it crossed the line exactly. The public aspect of it, perhaps. But then she'd already given them permission for that. The way all three girls were getting along, helping their brother, Mary was almost proud. From a certain point of view. "Can we get on with this?" Chastity asked, "This isn't exactly comfortable you know." "Quit complaining and take your brother's dick like a good little sister slut," Hope said, giving Chastity a light slap on her cheek. "Hope!" Mary said, "I won't let you speak to your sister that way." "Oh, I don't mind, Mom," Chastity said, "It's part of my ummm, lubrication process." Mary looked over and, sure enough, her daughter's vagina certainly seemed ready to take a penis. The lips were dark and hanging open. A thin line of girl drool dripped down to the carpet. "Girls, I'm sorry," Mary said, "Something about this seems off."

 "Well, why don't you stay and supervise Mom?" Michael asked. "That would be great Momma," Tabitha said, "That way you can correct us if we do anything wrong." Oh Lord, preserve me. "Well, OK. I guess." "Excellent," Michael said, "Tabby Cat, will you go ahead and do the honors?" Tabitha gave a little curtsey and stepped forward. She took her brother's cock in her hand and hung the head in Chastity's opening. She did it daintily, like hanging a dress that she wanted to keep wrinkle-free for a fancy evening. Chastity made a little grunt as Michael started pushing forward. From this position, Mary could easily see Chastity's vagina stretching to accommodate her brother's thick, purple pole. Michael sighed, content, as his testicles bounced against his sister. Fully buried between her legs. "God that's nice," Chastity said, her voice muffled by the pillows. "You may be an idiot, bro, but you have the best cock." Michael slapped his sister's ass. "Damn straight. About the cock part, I mean. Not the stupid thing." "Seriously," Chastity asked, her voice muffled by the cushions, "You're making my point for me." They moved in silence for a while, creaking against the couch. Michael ran his hands down his sister's flanks. Tabitha watched them both, intently. Sometimes bending down to get a different angle. It really felt like some sort of strange demonstration. Human Reproduction 101. Michael moved almost gracefully in his sister. He was clearly trying to be gentle.

 "Jeez, are you trying to tickle me or what?" Chastity asked. "Language, dear," Mary said. "Well then tell Michael to quit messing around and fuck me," Chastity said, all pretense of propriety gone. "I can barely feel what he's doing right now." "This is how Hope liked it," Michael said. "Well save it for when you're with her, then. I'm a real woman and this pussy needs pounding." "Every woman is different, Michael," Mary said, "You need to respect what Chastity is doing for you, by understanding her unique needs." "Oh OK," Michael said. He started to pump Chastity faster. His thighs slapped against his sister's ass. Squelching sounds filled the room. Mary could smell Chastity's unique, feminine scent. There was something sort of beautiful about this, in a way. Chastity reached back like she was about to rub herself, then stopped. Hope noticed her sister's dilemma. "Michael don't neglect your sister." "I can't reach under her in this position," Michael said. "I told you this was stupid," Chastity said. "Shut up, slut," Michael said and slapped Chastity's ass so hard it left a hand mark on the cheek, "Take it like a good sister." Mary gasped but Tabitha held her back.

 "Part of her...?" Mary asked. "Yep," Tabitha said, then shrugged. "I don't get it, but then, Chastity doesn't wet herself every time she orgasms, either. Like you said, everyone's different." Michael was really plowing his sister now. Chastity's face pushed uncomfortably into the cushions. Rather than using his sister's hips to steer her, Michael was now holding on to them like handrails. As if he might collapse without them. His breathing coming in great gulps. "Is he getting close?" Chastity asked, "I'm getting close." "Well, Michael? Are you?" Hope asked. "Uh huh." "Well, OK then. Answer your slut-sis when she asks you something," Hope said. Michael reached his hand forward and found his big sister's large breast. "Holy fuck I love your big boobs," Michael said. "That's why she's our Chas-titty," Tabitha said, giggling. Michael, spurred on by holding his sister's breast, began frantically driving in and out of his sister. "Ohhhhhh YES!" Chastity cried, "Harder, dammit! No, not my tit, dummy. My pussy. Goddammit, give it to me." "Ahhhh... Getting close," Michael said. "About fucking time," Chastity said, "I've been waiting forever to burst. Now fill me up. Give it to me good. Give to meeeeeee!" Michael gasped, then roared. "I... I'm doing it, sis. I'm stuffing you full!" Chastity was clearly cumming with her brother. Her mouth open in a silent O. Her head tilted to the sky. They both seemed locked in that moment, frozen in their ecstasy. Then it cracked and they both fell back. Michael bent on the ground. His sperm dripped down his sister's leg.

 "Oh!" Tabitha said, "I'll get that." She reached with a tissue and scooped up Michael's spend. Michael stayed curled on the ground. Chastity stood up on shaky legs. Hope helped hold her up, and the two of them slowly made their way back to the bathroom. Mary looked at what her life had become and sighed. Well, she thought, at least that ought to hold them for a while. * After dinner, Mary got caught up in a show and stayed up far too late. She snuck upstairs, but saw a light escaping under the door to Michael's bedroom. Mary knocked - she hoped her son wasn't up late, troubled with something. She needn't have bothered. Instead, she found Michael laying back on the bed. Hope firmly planted on her brother's cock. Her body hung over him. He was holding her tiny breasts in his hands while she slowly rode up and down on his member. Chastity was sitting next to them on the bed, naked as well. Watching intently. "Lord, don't you ever stop?" Mary asked, "It's two in the morning!" "Shhhhh, Mom," Chastity said, "You'll wake Tabitha." If their mother's presence bothered them, the siblings didn't let it show. Hope continued to ride her brother, moving almost sensuously - snake-like, Mary thought. Michael's head rested against the pillows, eyes slammed shut. "Michael couldn't sleep," Chastity said, "And my pussy. I mean my vagi..." "It's fine," Mary said, "Pussy is fine." "Right," Chastity said, as if adding it to her ledger, "Well it was really sore from earlier today. So Michael agreed to suffer with second-best." "Shut up!" Hope said, trying to slap at her sister, but she missed. Mary noticed it didn't slow Hope's humping one bit. "You're saying that I shouldn't put down Tabitha so easily?" Chastity asked. "You're not... second best, Hope" Michael said. "You're practically perfect."

 "Oh, I know, baby," Hope said. She rubbed Michael's head affectionately. "I don't know, bro. Hope is nice and all, but don't you wish those tits were a bit more of a handful? And that little clit. I'm surprised you can even find it most times." "Oh, he can find it all right," Hope said, then she shuddered as her brother did just that. The three of them all kept going, as if they'd forgotten Mary was in the room. She cleared her throat and finally the siblings froze. "It's just all these positions," Mary said, "What's wrong with lying back and letting your brother give you his cum?" "Michael was really tired, Mom," Hope said, "I told him he needed release before he could sleep, but he wouldn't do it unless I helped him. You know Michael. He can be very stubborn." Mary stood there, in a bit of shock. The siblings took her silence as permission and Hope, once again, began riding her brother. She leaned forward, letting her tiny breasts drag over her brother's chest and the two started to move more erratically. Urgently. "Going to cum!" Michael cried. His sister straightened like she'd been shot. Her whole body trembled and her chest turned red. Then she fell forward and rested her head on Michael's shoulder. She reached up and petted her brother, lovingly.

 "Thanks for my midnight treat," she said, then kissed him on the forehead. It all felt very matronly, to Mary. Sweet in a strange sort of way. Hope carefully climbed off her brother. A splatter of sperm dripped out of her and onto Michael's chest, but he didn't notice. He was already dead asleep. "I still say he'd have been happier cumming in me," Chastity said. "Chastity stop teasing your sister," Mary said Hope shushed them both. "Please be quieter. It took forever to get him down." "Fine, we'll talk more about this in the morning," Mary said. The two girls nodded sullenly, then all three of them tip-toed out into the hallway.

 The next morning, while Michael slept soundly in his room, the rest of his family ate breakfast together in the kitchen. Mary was glad to get some time alone with her daughters. Her plan had been working so well, but now it seemed to be spiraling out of control. Yes, Michael was almost certainly not masturbating. It was probable that he wasn't even touching himself, which was amazing - a goal she could never have even have hoped for. But this craziness with the 'lubrication process' and doing each other all over the house. And did they really all need to be together every time? "We thought you'd be happy," Tabitha said, "We're supporting each other." "And it's not always all of us," Hope said, "Tabitha wasn't there last night." "I'm still sad I missed it," Tabitha said. "It was nothing," Hope said. "You can say that again," Chastity said. "Shut up, Chas-titty," Hope said, taking a playful swipe at the middle sister. Then she turned to Tabitha "Michael was cranky before bedtime." "God, why does he always fight sleep when he so clearly needs it?" Tabitha asked. "Please let me talk," Mary said, "I'm glad that you're all working together to help your brother, I really am. I just wish you could be more wholesome about it."

 "We don't want to upset you," Hope said, "But we also think we should be able to decide what's best for us." "You're always welcome to come watch, Momma," Tabitha said, "To help, like, answer questions and stuff. We want you to be a part of this." "Watch?" Mary asked. That sounded uncomfortably close to something inappropriate in and of itself. "Look Mom," Chastity said, leaning forward and looking as serious as she'd ever seen her blonde daughter, "You pushed us into this and we agreed. Now it isn't enough unless we do it your way? No. You made it our job and so you have to respect how we go about it. Unless you want us all to stop entirely?"

 Mary thought about calling Chastity's bluff. But she decided it wasn't worth it. Like they said, she was getting what she wanted. Did it really matter all that much if it wasn't happening exactly as she'd hoped? "Of course," Mary said, "You should do what you think is best." "Thanks Mom," Hope said. They all shared a hug. Then Tabitha went upstairs to wake Michael for his morning 'exercise.' * When Mary came home that night, she again found all her children on the couch. It seemed this was their new favorite spot, like a flock of geese landing in the middle of some random corporate park every spring.

 All four siblings were naked. Michael was on his back on the floor and Tabitha was on top of him, like Hope had been before. Except Tabitha was facing towards Michael's feet. She was bouncing up and down, sort of distractedly. Chastity sat by Michael's head. Her massive breast hung over his mouth. It looked a bit shiny, as if it was covered with his saliva. Chastity had a bit of a sour look on her face when Mary caught her eye. The blonde made a deep sigh and shifted slightly, as if uncomfortable. Hope knelt at Michael's feet, facing Tabitha. She held each of her baby sister's hands and she was speaking low, encouraging her. "That's good, Tabby Cat, keeping going up and down like that. Try to lean forward a bit more. Like I showed you," Hope said. She looked up, "Oh, hey, Mom!"

 Tabitha did her best to turn around while still sitting on Michael's cock. "Hi Momma," she said, "I'm so glad you're here. Hope is assisting me with Michael." "I can see that, dear," Mary said. She did her best to keep her expression neutral. She'd agreed to... well, whatever this was. All that time she'd wanted to shed her responsibility, but now that the kids had taken control she felt forgotten. Left out. "Don't let me stop you," she said, wistfully. "OK good," Hope said, then told Tabitha, "Now try doing it on your own. How's that?" "Reaaaaallllly good," Tabitha said, "There's like this... spot in there. His head keeps rubbing against it every time I move and it's like... FUCK. Lightning in my pussy." "That's your g-spot," Chastity said. She kept looking at Michael and then back at Mary. As if contemplating something. "It's, like, the other side of your clitoris," Hope said.

 "God, I can only imagine what it would be like to stimulate both at the same time," Tabitha said, "Too bad Michael can't get it from there." "Oh, I can do that for you," Hope said. She let go of one of Hope's hands and reached for her younger sister's sex. Mary stifled a gasp. This was clearly them testing her. They didn't actually want to do these things. They were pushing boundaries. Making sure she'd keep to her bargain. That was all. Tabitha moaned as Hope made contact. She started moving up and down faster, like rubbing herself between the rock and a hard place of her brother's cock and her sister's fingers. She reached over to Hope and started returning the favor. The tall brunette sighed as her youngest sister touched her precious center. "Fuck it," Chastity said. Facing his feet, she straddled her brother. Chastity then wrapped her arms around Tabitha. Rubbed her youngest sister's breasts from behind as she slowly lowered her sex onto his mouth. Mary waited for Michael to say something. Instead, he tilted his head up and started to lap at his sister's eager quim. "Fffffffffffuuuuuuck," Chastity said, "Finally found a use for that big mouth of yours."

 "Mmmhmm," was all he could say. They had become like one huge monster, the four of them. A creature made of writhing arms and legs. Heads buried against each other. Only capable of moans and whimpers. Slowly sliding across the living room floor. Crawling towards forbidden euphoria. Tabitha increased her pace on her brother's cock. Her movements got more desperate. Driven. Her sisters manipulated her from both sides. Hope shook as Tabitha rubbed her. Chastity trembled on her brother's tongue. And then suddenly the four siblings started to tremble as a massive shared orgasm rolled through them.

 It started with Hope. She made a noise like she'd burned her hand on the stove. A loud "hssssss AH!" Her chest and face flushed. Hope's orgasm dominoed into Tabitha's. "Oh FUCK!" she bayed up at the ceiling. A burst of clear liquid shot out from her sex and spattered her sister's bare breasts. Michael grunted under Chastity, who suddenly bent back, mouth hanging open. A chorus of ecstatic cries and elated sobs. Gradually they slowed and carefully leaned back against each other. Tabitha looked down at Hope, covered in her sister's girl cum. "Oh God, Hope, I'm so sorry," she said, sounding near tears. "Oh, it's fine, baby. It's beautiful," Hope said and hugged her sister tight. "You manage to fill our sister up, Michael?" Chastity asked. "I sure hope so," Tabitha said, "It's already leaking out of me. There's too much for my little pussy."

 "That's all I've got," Michael said. "Better not be," Chastity said, "My pussy is expecting her own delivery before the day is done." Tabitha's sisters released her, and she fell sideways. A river of her brother's sperm seeped down her leg. Hope fell forward and hugged Michael. "Such a good job," Hope said, "I knew you could do it." She kissed his head in that motherly way again. "You think that was good, you should try his tongue," Chastity said.

 "It couldn't be better than his cock," Tabitha said, "There's no way." Chastity slowly stood, her legs trembling slightly under her. She went over and gave Mary a kiss on the cheek. "So, Mom, now that Tabby's pussy's been fed, what's for dinner?" * Mary woke up earlier than usual, needing to pee. She rolled out of bed and made her way through the dark house to the bathroom. The sun wasn't even over the horizon yet, but the kids would all have to get up for school soon. As she opened the door, she heard the hush of running water. Looking through the tinted glass doors of the shower, Mary could barely make out Michael and Chastity. The blonde's legs were wrapped around her brother's waist. He was pummeling her into the tile wall. The two of them grunting and gasping.

 Mary didn't want to wait, so she quietly sat down and used the toilet. She watched as the two of them humped almost violently. Too involved in each other to even notice she was there. When she was done, Mary stood up and then slowly made her way out of the bathroom. "I'm going to fucking CUUUUUMMMMMMMM," Chastity screamed as Mary carefully closed the door behind her. Later that afternoon, she came upon Michael sitting in front of the computer. Tabitha was sitting on his lap. Her bare breasts bouncing. The desk chair squeaked rhythmically along with them, telescoping up and down as brother and sister railed each other. Tabitha was gasping, "hu HU hu HU hu HU." Panting like she was having an asthma attack. Desperate for breath. After Mary passed, she heard the squeaking stop, replaced by her youngest daughter's orgasmic howl.

 "Oh Tabby, you feel so goooooood!" Michael yelled. That night, as Mary went off to sleep, she heard Hope's bed banging against the wall. She couldn't help but satiate her curiosity. She found Hope on top of Michael - her favorite position apparently. Michael leaned forward, his mouth wrapped around one of his sister's little breasts like a baby at the teat. They were locked together in a way that made it hard to move, so they just slowly rocked against each other. Like a steam engine gradually building speed. Hope ran her hands through Michael's curly hair. He hugged her close as he could. The two of them trembling in each other's arms. "Getting close," Michael whispered. He snaked his hand down to the juncture where brother's cock met sister's pussy. "That's a good boy," Hope said. She stiffened. Her chest flushed. "Ahhhh, that's a good BOY! Give your big sister everything you've got."

 Mary carefully closed the door behind her. This was her new normal, she supposed. And she was surprisingly alright with that. * Tabitha looked down at her pussy, confused. It was early morning and she was still naked. All the girls had started sleeping that way, just in case. Usually Tabitha's vaginal secretions were whitish, like a pale match of what her brother produced. And unless he was in the room with her, Tabitha rarely got very wet from just walking around. Sure, she was used to being drippy a lot of the time now, but this was somehow different.

 That morning, Tabitha felt like a leaky faucet. Her legs already slick with her essence. And the fluid coming out of her was clear and more slippery than usual. It was all a bit strange, Tabitha had to admit. She decided it would be best if she passed Michael off that day. Just in case. If there was something wrong down there, it would be a mistake to do something that might make it worse. Just as Tabitha resolved to tell Michael to use a different sister, she heard him bang on the door. It wasn't a set signal, really, but she knew the sound all the same. He was there to take care of his needs. Tabitha opened the door, not bothering to cover herself. She was careful not to hurt her brother's feelings, but she told him she wasn't feeling well and asked if he wouldn't mind trying Hope or Chastity. "Fuck," Michael said, "Neither of them are around. I guess I can go rub it out this time. We've been so good lately. I'm sure it'll be fine."

 "No," Tabitha said firmly. She could picture the talking to she'd get from Momma if she didn't let him in. Whatever was wrong, it couldn't be worse than sending her older brother to Hell. "I'm happy to help out. Let me get ready." Tabitha climbed up on her bed and lay backward. It felt a little comforting to go back to the old standby. They'd been doing all kinds of things in all sorts of places - lying back on the bed felt almost quaint. Michael shucked off his clothes and then stood on the edge of the bed. His penis pointed out proudly. "Did you... prepare?" Tabitha asked. "No," Michael said, "Haven't even touched it." "Awesome. I want this to last." She reached down and took his cock in her hands. "God, I love my biiiiiig brother," she said. She really meant it, too. Before all this - before Momma had told them about her plan and they'd all started taking care of their brother - Tabitha had always felt close to Michael. More than what she'd felt for Hope (who was always so patronizing) and Chastity (who was always so mean).

 Michael was different. He cared about her. Legitimately cared. There were times when she'd even thought he might have feelings for her. The kind a brother shouldn't have for his sister. And then, as she got older, she began to think that she might have those same feelings, too. Of course, now, those desires felt perfectly ordinary. Natural, really. Tabitha studied her brother - his toned, muscular body. Deep brown eyes and playful, curly hair. And, of course, his cock. His wonderful, fantastic, oh-so-pleasing penis. Like it had been created just to cause her joy.

 "Oh, Tabitha," Michael said, "You have no idea how badly I used to want you. Lying back in my bed. Picturing you. Us. And now to be with you, here. It's like a dream. Better than a dream. Best."Â "I didn't know then, but I wish I did," Tabitha said, "I wish I could go back to that girl and tell her to get right into her brother's room. His bed. I wish I knew how much I wanted you. Needed you. You'd have had my virginity the day I turned 18. The fucking minute. I swear I'm sorry I made you wait so long."

 "You gave it to me in good time," Michael said and smiled, "I can hardly complain about that. Now, you want me to get you ready?" Michael asked. He started to kneel down. Tabitha had learned to love Michael's licking, but she thought about her dripping pussy and decided not to risk it. Besides, the sooner Michael put his dick in her, the sooner she would reach her pleasurable apex. God, how was she going to live without this once she went away to school in a few months? "It's OK," Tabitha said, "I'm already excited just by looking at my big brother's big cock." She took his member - so hard, so soft - and placed it at her pussy.

 "That's my baby sis," Michael said. He shoved himself in to the hilt, like it was nothing. Usually, even after a licking, it took a little effort to work himself into her. Michael looked down at his sister in amazement. "What's wrong?" "Just thinking about how lucky I am to be with you. To feel your pussy squeeze my cock. Fill you with my cum." "Oh you like how I squeeze your cock, huh?" Tabitha asked. She bore down on the warm, hard invader in her snatch. "Oh FUCK!" Michael cried. "What the hell was that? I almost came right there, I swear to God."

 "Kegels," Tabitha said, "Pussy muscles. I've been reading about them." "You've got to share that book with Hope and Chastity," Michael said. "Oh hell no. I've already got too much competition as is with your darling Hope and horny Chas-titty." "She's not my darling. I love each of you. You know that. And I love your little boobs," he said. He reached over and squeezed them, being sure to pinch her nipples. Tabitha felt the pain shoot down to pleasure in her dripping puss. "Yes - show me," Tabitha said, "Give your Tabby Cat her delicious cream." Michael smirked. He drew back slowly, then entered her again, lovingly. "You want the Hope way?" he asked. Then he slammed into her hard. "Or the Chastity?" "Oh!" Tabitha groaned, "Give it to me my way. My way only."

 "That's my girl," Michael said. He began plugging her. Varying his strokes between long and short. Hard and soft. Reaching down and smearing her clit with his hands. Michael had become quite skilled, Tabitha thought. But this was even beyond what she'd come to expect. It felt like her whole body reacted to every thrust. Sparks raced down her arms. Her legs. Her pussy clamped down, squeezing every bit of her brother's beautiful dick. God, if sex with Michael before had been like touching pleasure - reaching it - then this was like bathing in euphoria. Immersing in it. Drowning.

 Tabitha screamed. She whimpered. Words came out that made no sense. Exclamations of incredible bliss. Her brother was doing something to her she couldn't comprehend. And all she could think about was that his cum was coming. His beautiful bounty of sperm that would take her to an entire new level of heaven.

 Sperm, she thought. She was so used to fucking without consequences. It reminded her, suddenly, of what the act was supposed to do. Put her brother's baby inside her. Would that be so bad? She pictured herself swelling with life. Life that her own brother had given her. For a moment her traitorous mind wished for that. Wanted it. More than anything in the world. "Going to cum," Michael said, as if he could sense her aching need.

 "Oh Michael, I want it," Tabitha said, "Want it so bad." Michael buried his head in his chest. His movement slowed. "I... Tabitha," he mumbled into her chest, "I love you. You know that? Not like a brother. But more. I think... I think I always have." "I know," Tabitha said, "I love you, too." Michael began to shake, tremble. His enormous fuck stick lodged itself right in Tabitha's cervix. Then he threw his head back and bellowed. Tabitha's own orgasm built and built but then stopped. Right at the edge. She felt that odd pressure at her pussy - almost like peeing, but far more pleasurable. Her brother's first hot burst blasted into her pussy and Tabitha felt like her whole body was about to shatter. Explode from the inside out.

 "Oh, ffffffffFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCK!" she screamed. Gouts of her cum blasted out - long hot streams. This time it really felt like an unending flow. Fountains of girl goo. An ocean washing over them both. Tabitha swore she was soaking her brother. The bed. Her peak felt different somehow. Even better than ever before. The ecstasy burst right off the top of her head. Michael's own liquid heat filled his sister's pussy to bursting. Tabitha swore there could be no more, yet it kept coming. A tsunami that picked her up and carried her away. Wave after wave of indescribable bliss. His fertility overflowed her pussy. Pushed past her cervix. Battered her womb. "I love my baby sister," Michael said, over and over. "I love you so much." Finally, the two siblings disentangled. They looked down at each other, sticky with cum and sweat and started to laugh.

 "Wow," Tabitha said. "That was incredible, Tabby Cat," Michael said, "Clearly I've been underestimating my pretty kitty." For a reason she couldn't explain in the moment, Tabitha leaned over and kissed her brother right on the mouth. They'd done almost everything, but never crossed that line. The kiss felt far more erotic, dangerous, than anything they'd done to each other before. It felt right.

 After that day, though, Tabitha felt off. Just little things. She told herself it was the intensity of the orgasm that she and Michael had shared. He had broken her brain. But the strangeness stayed with her. She started struggling to concentrate in classes. Her stomach felt slightly sour, as well. Then her period decided to pass on its monthly visit. Just never bothered to show up. And then Tabitha really did feel sick to her stomach. When she was able to stop throwing up, she went out and bought a pregnancy test. As if she didn't already know. Another month went by. Another missed period. She was sure she was starting to show.

 Then one day Hope caught her crying in the bathroom. This whole thing with Michael, it had changed all of them. A few months ago, Hope probably would have told her to stop sobbing or to "grow up." Now, her eldest sister rushed in, held Tabitha close, and asked what was wrong. "Is it Michael?" Hope asked, "Did he do something to you?" "No," Tabitha said, "Yes. Oh God." Hope walked her down to the living room. Chastity was already sitting on the couch. It felt strange for them to all be together fully clothed. What a weird world I'm living in. Tabitha sat down. She eyed her older sisters nervously. "It's just the three of us," Hope said, "Michael's at class and Mom's at work. Whatever you say, it never has to leave this room. So, whenever you're ready." "I'm pregnant," Tabitha said, the words spilling out of her. Like a confession in a bad police drama.

 "I know," Chastity said. The two girls looked at their blonde sister with surprise. "I don't know how. I just do. Sister's intuition. I figured you'd say when you were ready." Chastity had changed, too. She'd gone from merciless enemy to unyielding ally. Her toughness something to be treasured rather than feared. Tabitha knew that Hope would always comfort her, but Chastity would kill for her. It made for an incredibly comforting combination. I'm such a lucky girl, Tabitha thought. "What happened?" Hope asked, genuinely concerned. She reached across and stroked Tabitha's hand. "I don't know," Tabitha said and started to sniffle, "I followed the chart and everything."

 "Oh, I know you did honey," Hope said, "I know someone at school. They can fix this." "No!" Tabitha pushed her sister away. "I can't. I won't." "OK," Hope said, "Of course." The three of them sat in the living room and cried together. Hope hugged her baby sister tight and told her, "It'll be fine. I promise." She said it over and over. As if wishing it to be true. "Yes," Chastity said, "We'll work this out together. Like always."

 After they both walked Tabitha back to her room, Chastity pulled her older sister aside. "We have to help her."Â "No shit," Hope said, "If Mom finds out, she'll blame Tabitha. You know she will. She'll say Tabby read the calendar wrong or, worse, that she did this on purpose. Mom - family means the world to her. But this? It's too much. We'll be lucky if she lets us say goodbye before throwing our baby sister out on her ass."Â Chastity flopped down in the hallway. Buried her head in her hands. "Family," she said, "Yeah..." Then suddenly she looked up at her sister and smiled. "I have a plan," she said, "But you'll probably think it's nuts."Â Hope listened to what her sibling had to say, then nodded. "You're right. It's insane. And that's the best thing about it."Â *Â The next day, after they were sure Mom and Tabitha were gone, Chastity and Hope cornered Michael in the kitchen. He was eating a bowl of cereal.

 "You're going to take a break," Chastity said. "From what?" "You know." "Wait, seriously?" Michael asked, "I don't know if I can." "You will," Chastity said, she leaned over Michael, putting her arm right by his head. The message was clear. "I promise there's a reward for you at the end," Hope said, "But if you care about us at all, you'll stop." "So, go back to rubbing?" Michael asked. "No," Chastity said, "None of it. Full on celibacy. You so much as touch your dick and I swear to God I'll cut the damn thing off. You got it?" Michael stared from one sister to another. He gulped and nodded. Hope watched him as he walked away. "Jeez, if we had thought to do that six months ago we wouldn't be in this mess."

 Two weeks went by. Chastity had expected Michael to struggle, but she couldn't believe how hard it was for her to quit completely. She'd gotten so used to his cock. She almost broke a few times. Maybe just oral, she told herself. But no. She had to stay strong for her sisters. They chose an auspicious day in many ways. Tabitha had her first doctor's appointment and Mary was out for dinner with a church group. They would have hours to themselves.

 Chastity agreed to take the lead. She led Michael down to the living room and sat him down on the couch. Hope took his left hand. Chastity held his right. The abstinence really had an effect on their little brother. He was practically shaking just from their touch. "I was going to give you a whole speech. Kind of let you in easy. But the truth is I think it's far kinder to come out and tell you," Chastity said. Michael looked from sister to sister. Eyes wide with fear. "Tabitha's pregnant," Chastity said. "Oh fuck!" Michael said.

 "Pretty much."Â "What happened?" Michael asked, "Did we screw up the calendar or..."Â "I wish I knew," Chastity said, "But your sister swears she followed it and she's pretty damn smart. Maybe the rhythm method isn't as foolproof as Mom thought. Or maybe we did the days wrong? Who knows?"Â "Is she going to...?"Â "She wants to keep it and we support that."

 "Yes," Michael said, "Me too." Chastity couldn't help but feel warm in her heart for how her brother was handling this. "Tabitha's at the doctor right now, getting checked out." "God, Mom's going to freak," Michael said, "She'll disown her. Disown us." "And that's what we wanted to talk to you about," Hope said, "I don't need to tell you that nothing's more important to Mom than family. After Dad died, she was terrified that we'd grow up. Move away. And she'd lose us all forever. Chastity and I talked and we both agreed that while Mom would never forgive you and Tabby, she'd have a much harder time kicking out all four of us." "But, only Tabitha is..."

 "Right now," Chastity said, "But we're going to fix that. Right now." Michael's eyes went wide. His sisters stood up together. Chastity took off her shirt. Her pants. Hope did the same. "The only way to save the family is to make a new one," Chastity said. She reached back and freed her massive breasts. Hope let her little titties out, as well. Michael looked up at them like they were goddesses. "That's why I had to wait? So you'd both be..." "Fertile," Hope said, "Yes. And we wanted to make sure you'd be ready, too. Lots of little brother spermies to make lots of little brother babies."

 "So let's stop fucking around and get to fucking," Chastity said, "Your big sisters have some eggs they need fertilized and they need it right fucking now." Michael practically leapt off the couch. He ripped off his shirt and pants. Threw his underwear across the room. "You seem to be OK with this," Chastity said, leering. "Oh yeah," Michael said. "We may have to try multiple times," Hope said. "I'm willing to make that sacrifice," Michael said. "That's what we thought," Chastity said. "You're up first, Hope-less."

 "Pretty sure I'm about to be Hope-full," Hope said, "So shut your sperm hole, Chas-titty." Michael started to lie down so Hope could get into her favorite position. But instead she surprised him by getting down on all fours, presenting her pussy to him. "You sure?" "Works for animals like Chastity," Hope said, "Should be good enough for me." Michael got down on his knees. His penis was as hard as he'd ever felt it. Like it could smell his sister's waiting womb. Hope wiggled her ass at him.

 "Do you want me to warm you up a bit?" Michael asked. "Oh GOD no," Hope said, "I've been ready to go for two weeks. Get that thing in there and give it to me good." Michael smiled and shoved his cock into his sister with one shot. "Oh FUCK I've missed that!" they both screamed at the same time. Michael wasted no time in screwing Hope. Pounding into her with an urgency she'd never experienced. Like he needed to burst inside his sister the way he needed to breathe.

 Chastity crawled over to them both, her pendulous breasts practically dragging along the carpet. "My baby's going to be so much better than yours," she told Hope. Hope rolled her eyes. "Shut up and let me get you ready for your turn," she said. Obediently, Chastity lay down under her sister. Hope immediately started lapping at her sister's cunt.

 Michael kept going like there was nothing else in the universe. Something about the way they were positioned - he was hitting the perfect spot and it shot straight to Hope's head. "Ffffffffuck that's nice," Hope said. Michael reared back and slapped her ass. "No talking with your mouth full," he said.

 "I'm going to be the mother of your child," Hope said, "You'd better treat me right." "I'm sorry Hope-y," Michael said, cowed. He reached around Hope's thigh and found her clit. He started rubbing her in time with his thrusts. "Ooooooohhhhh... Come on bro. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. I'm so close. You going to get there with me brother? You going to follow your big sister like a good boy?"

 "Almost there," Michael said. "Come on little bro. Give it to me. Give me my baby!" Michael stiffened, then went off. His balls emptied upward, and a stream of sperm shot straight past Hope's cervix and into her womb.

 "Ohhhhhhh...GOD! He's doing it! My brother is knocking me up!" Hope screamed. Her whole body shook. Her face and chest went practically purple. Pleasure arced through her body. A series of rising explosions until she felt like her whole body was going nuclear. Michael fell forward. Hope wrapped her arms around him. Her legs. They kissed each other on the lips. Tongues twisting.

 "Oh, God," Michael said, "Oh Hope. I love you so much. I'm so happy we're doing this. Like it's making our love real."Â "I love you, too baby brother," Hope said, "Thank you. Thank you for your seed. Your love. Everything." They stayed close as long as they could, like they couldn't bear to have one part of themselves not touching the other. Chastity looked down and felt, really, for the first time, jealous. Not of her sister. Not really. But of the honest affection that Hope and Michael clearly shared. And suddenly Chastity didn't want to fuck Michael any more. She wanted to love him.
 Chastity lay down on her back and spread her legs. "My turn," she said. Michael crawled over to his sister. To her happy amazement, he still looked plenty hard.
 "You have any left over in there for me?" she asked, giving his cock a little squeeze.

 "There's always more than enough for all my sisters," Michael said. Hope rolled over onto her side and looked over at the two of them, affectionately. Her eyes were unfocused, still lost in the after effects of her orgasm.
 Michael bent down between Chastity's legs. He guided his penis into his sister's snatch. Then Chastity wrapped herself around him. At first it was slow, caring. Chastity bathed in the pleasure of each little movement. Feeling every bit of her brother's cock as it slid back and forth in her tight, dripping sheath. Chastity understood, then, what Hope had been all about. She could glory in every moment. Savor it. Michael's fingers dancing over her body. Every delicious thrust. It really was wonderful. Then that was enough of that.
 "This is nice and all," Chastity said, "But it's time for you to fuck your sister." Michael cackled and then the two of them started rutting on the floor. He sucked her breast into his mouth. Bit the nipple. Pinched her clit and slapped her ass. But no matter what, he kept plugging her dripping hole with his penis. Chastity felt the first orgasm roll up almost immediately. Her back arched and her mouth opened. A little hiss escaped her lips.

 Then she came again. And again. She'd never multipled before. But now that the orgasms were rolling she found she couldn't stop and so she just kept climaxing like an avalanche down an ever-steeper hill. Her body crying out for her brother's seed. Chastity felt Hope kiss her lips. Heard her brother moan. It was all in a different place, outside her reality of constant cums. "Chastity," Michael's voice finally broke through, "I'm getting close. I... I'm going to cum in you. Fill you up. Are you sure, Chastity? You want your big dumb brother to cum in your unprotected pussy?"

 "You're not dumb," Chastity said. "I'm not? Maybe I should pull out. Keep you from passing on my doofus genes."
 Chastity couldn't help but smile to herself. Now that he had her where he wanted her, Michael was going to extract his revenge. She could almost be proud of him, if he wasn't so frustrating in the moment.

 Chastity reached up and grabbed Michael's skull so hard she felt like it could crack. "You are smart and sexy and practically perfect," Chastity growled, "I want your baby so bad. I'm just... I'm lucky. OK? Lucky to have all of you. Now give me your fucking cum before I have to squeeze it out of you." Chastity reached back and tugged at her brother's balls to make her point. Michael winked at her and nodded. "I love you, too, big sis." Chastity let go and dropped back to the floor. "Then sh... show me. Fill me with your stupendous sperm."
 "OK... Just get ready to cum with me big sis. Going to be a big one. Need your help to get me there."

 "OK," Chastity said. She looked and saw that Hope was holding Michael's hand. Stroking it. "Yes," Chastity said, "I can do that. Together then."
 Chastity felt her brother's cock start to swell inside her, incredulous that he was somehow going to help her reach an even higher level of pleasure. But then she felt her insides fill with her brother's cum and it happened.
 Chastity's body cinched upward. A long loud scream escaped her lips.

 "OOHHHHHHHhhhhhhh FUCK! My brother's fucking filling me up!! Oh fuck YES!"
 Chastity pressed her lips to Michael's, hard. Like her tongue could not go deep enough in his mouth. Aftershocks racked her body as an impossible amount of sperm seemed to empty into her. Michael shouted his pleasure. Howled and cried.

 "I love my brother so much!" Chastity screamed. They held each other tight, shaking. Chastity felt Hope wrap herself around them. Embrace them both. It was finished. Done. Chastity had no doubt her brother had made her a mommy. "I love you too," Michael said, "I love my sisters so very, very much."

 Nine months later.
 Mary parked the car in the visitor's lot, then she and Michael walked up to the hospital. The morning was cold and her breath was cloudy. Bright yellow-red sunrise filled the sky. If this didn't feel routine already, Mary thought, well it was going to soon.

 "Well I hope you're happy with yourself," Mary said. Her feet crunched on the gravel beneath them.

 "Are you going to ask me this every time?" Michael asked. "I will until you give me a straight answer."

 "I'm fine, Mom," Michael said, "I'm happy. That should be enough, don't you think?"

 "Father Donovan doesn't think so," Mary said, "He thinks we're all hedonists or worse. Like this whole thing wasn't his idea in the first place."

 "How'd he find out?"Â "I'd think it would be obvious after a time. All three of them, Michael. Seriously."Â "It's not so bad," Michael said, "Really it's not. If you'd like, I'd be happy to do the same for you."

 "OH no. Four kids are more than enough for me, thank you very much. Let alone grandkids. Don't worry, you'll see for yourself soon."

 They went into Hope's room. She was wearing nothing but a hospital gown. Her tall, thin body, held the pregnancy well. Her stomach only stuck out slightly. She finally had the bigger breasts she'd always wanted.
"I'm going to go find Chastity and Tabitha," Mary said, "Check in on my new granddaughter. You two try to behave while I'm gone."
 Michael sat down next to his oldest sister and sighed. The heart monitor beeped soothingly in the background.

 "Mom's taking this pretty well, all things considered," Hope said. "Like you predicted," Michael said, "Family first. Always. Worked out pretty well, though, don't you think?"

 Hope paused. She eyed her brother suspiciously. As if seeing him for the first time. "You planned this from the start, didn't you?" she asked. "Yes - I started masturbating knowing that I'd eventually get to impregnate my sisters," Michael said. He looked down at her dubiously.
 "Not that, obviously. But after. When Mom started her whole 'use your sisters' policy. You knew. She made all those ridiculous requests. The whole time we argued, you sat there silent. I thought you were resigned. Embarrassed. But that wasn't it, was it? You saw what she was giving you. Where it would lead."
 "If you say so," Michael said, "Personally, I think I was just a boy trying to make his Mother happy." He gave his oldest sister an exaggerated wink. "But I'm pretty sure we all got what we wanted." Chastity came into the room, just as heavy with child as Hope was. Michael knew they'd be back in the hospital for her in a few weeks. Tabitha came in after her older sister, holding their young son over her shoulder. Mary came into the room last, smiling proudly.
 "You doing OK with my little kitten, Tabby Cat?" Michael asked. "Are you kidding?" Tabitha asked, "I'm almost ready for you to give me another one!" Mary sighed and let her head loll back. "We're all going to Hell, aren't we?" "Probably," Michael said, "But at least we know we'll be together."