Media Via Domus Deversorium

Okay, it is a little pretentious, but the hotel was one of the oldest in the country. In the first century, there was a Roman Encampment where Centurions got a chance to rest on the march between Londinium and the town of Ratae Corieltauvorum, a good hard march but roughly half way between the two garrison towns and an enterprising local merchant had built a hotel just outside the camp. When it was built the owner hung a carving of a golden eagle above the door and the tavern's name was 'Aquila Aurea', which was Latin for Golden Eagle. Over the centuries, the tavern grew, its name changed several times and it became a hotel. When I first went there for a celebratory meal, it was 'The Crossroads Hotel' but in the intervening years a yuppie from London, called Calum Benson, had bought the hotel and he'd given it a face lift and the pretentious new name.
I hadn't really thought about the hotel much, Sarah had been invited to a fourteenth birthday party a while back, just after the hotel reopened and the owner was so desperate to get his business off the ground that he offered to give a dinner party for ten people for one hundred pounds. The whole venture was aimed at teenagers looking for a different kind of party to the McDonalds / Burger King kind of thing that parents often arranged when their kids were pre-teens.
Sarah seemed to have enjoyed the sophistication of a dinner party at a posh hotel, they had been given a three course meal off the standard menu with a soft drink included. There had also been a cake provided that was large enough for the ten guests at the party and it sounded like they had the owner of the hotel serving them, rather than just one of the waiting staff. Sarah didn't really talk very much about the party to me but then, she was at that difficult age where she wasn't much interested in keeping mum up to date on her life.
Media Via was on my mind because I was painting my face, I'd just finished my shower and had to wrap myself in my bathrobe quickly as Peter, my twelve year old son, had just walked in my bedroom without knocking on the door first, almost catching me in the nude as I left my bathroom. I was getting ready to go to a business lunch with my father-in-law. It wasn't my turn to accompany Ron to his business lunch, I'd been on his arm a fortnight ago to a charity ball so today's lunch was really Mary's turn. Mary is Ron Junior's wife but she was away on holiday and Sarah, my eldest daughter's namesake and the wife of my father-in-law's second son, had a hospital appointment so it was up to me to provide eye candy to help my father-in-law grease the wheels of his business lunch.
Peter sat on my bed watching as I built up the layers, trowelling foundation, the blank canvas to paint my new face on to.
"What dress did Grandpa buy you this time mum?"
I was lining my eyes, defining where the eye shadow would end and the eyebrows would start when Peter asked the question, "He hasn't bought me a new dress for this meal darling, it was all a bit of a last minute thing, a business opportunity rather than a planned function."
"Well then, what dress are you going to wear today?"
I looked over my shoulder and caught my son's eyes opening wide and realised that my careless turn to look over my shoulder had almost allowed my left breast to pop out from under my bath robe. I pulled the front of my robe back into place and nodded in the direction of my wardrobe door where my dress was hanging on the door knob, "I was planning on wearing my navy dress, it's the most suitable for a lunch engagement."

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Peter didn't look the least impressed at my choice, "Grandpa thinks that the tight black strapless dress makes you look the prettiest!"
"Your grandfather has bought me three tight strapless dresses over the years...but they're more suitable for an evening event."
"He liked the one he bought you to wear for him at the animal charity fundraiser the other week. He told Uncle Paul that you looked as sexy as hell in that dress!"
"Peter... that's not a very nice way to describe your mother!"
"I'm just saying that is what Grandpa Ron said to Uncle Paul...that's all!"
I finished colouring in up to the line above my eye and then slid off my stool, I was watching Peter like a hawk, as soon as my leg moved, his eyes shot down to see if I was as careless when getting off the stool as I had been when turning to look over my shoulder. He looked disappointed because I'd been careful not to show too much leg off as I turned.
I opened my wardrobe door, I didn't have to look too hard to find the dress that Peter had mentioned, all I needed to do was look along the line of hems along the bottom of the row of dresses. The one that Peter had mentioned was his grandfather's favourite was the shortest dress on the rail by far. So short in fact that I could have hung it on the rail reserved for my tops as it was just a thirty inch long Lycra tube...I had skirts that were longer than that Lycra dress.
I held the dress against the front of my body, William pulled a face because it just looked totally wrong held against my bathrobe.
"Okay Monster...out while I get dressed!"
William looked even more disappointed that I was throwing him out rather than allow him to stay in my bedroom while I dressed myself.
As Peter reached the bedroom door he stopped, "Erm mum...Grandpa said that the only thing that spoilt your dress was the bra and knickers you wore under it...he told Uncle Paul that he could see the outline of them through the dress." I wondered just what my father-in-law had said to his second eldest son in front of Peter.
I looked at the short tube of Lycra, just thirty inches long and the thought crossed my mind, 'The only reason Ron took me or my sisters-in-law with him to a business function was to distract the other man or men...we were expected to flirt a little, laugh at the customer's bad jokes, that kind of thing and if Ron needed me to look a certain way to help him pull off a business was no skin off my nose'.
I was already naked and it only took me two seconds to pull the dress on over my head, if it looked too crude or made me feel uncomfortable, it would only take a few more seconds to take it off again and put my underwear on under it.
I checked the way I looked, to me, with my poor eyesight; it didn't look any different to how it looked with my underwear on under it so I decided to go out, dressed in just two microns of Lycra to keep my body hidden from the world.
Peter was waiting for me in the kitchen, he gave me a wolf-whistle, "You look really great mum, really sexy!"
That wasn't the kind of statement that a mother expects from her twelve year old son and popped the thought into my head again, 'My son has been spending far too much time with his grandfather!'

Page 2

"Peter, when did you hear Grandpa Ron talking to Uncle Paul about me?"
"Yesterday, Grandpa picked me up from school and took me to the building site in Kettering so that I could use the 'Skid-steer' to clear the brambles and weeds behind the house that Uncle Paul's men are building. They were talking about the meeting today when we were having our tea break. Paul was telling Grandpa that the ground works were in the bag but that grandpa should try to get the contract to supply and build the shell up to the roof and that's when Uncle Paul said that you needed to look extra sexy to help get the extra contract!"
Ron picked me up and we drove the short distance to the Media Via Hotel, he thanked me during the drive, for putting so much effort into the way I dressed and the way I looked..."I thought after the last time you wore that dress...I'd never see you in it again!"
"Why was that?"
"After the childish thing that Mark Whitfield did at the dance after the dinner."
"I didn't see Mark Whitfield at the dance...I was surprised though because at the dinner he had asked me for a dance later but he was pretty drunk when he asked me."
"Didn't you feel him at the dance..."
I gave my father-in-law a confused look.
"...while we were in the queue to be introduced to David Lang, the Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, you were just going through the curtains and Mark rubbed himself off against your arse."
"God...did he? I felt someone touch my bottom but I thought that it was you, you were next to me as I shook David's hand."
"You didn't know what happened...I just thought that you were hiding your reaction to what Mark did because you were so embarrassed. You even smiled at me when I took you straight onto the dance floor to dance so that I could wipe his spunk off of your bottom with my even smiled at me as I wiped you dry."
"Oh, I think that was probably a smile of embarrassment, I expected you to touch me up when we were in the space between the curtains where no one could see us but I didn't expect you to touch me up so publicly on the dance floor."
" didn't feel Marks spunk on your buttock then?"
I shook my head.
"Probably a good thing that you were wearing knickers under your dress then...that probably stopped you feeling the wetness."
"I thought that you didn't like me wearing my knickers under this tight dress."
"What made you think that?"
"I think there was a little 'Boy-talk' sometime last week where you mentioned that you would have liked my dress much better if I hadn't worn a bra or knickers under it!"
"I think I need to have a word with my son!"

Page 3

"It wasn't Paul who told was Peter, he was eavesdropping on your conversation."
"I'm surprised at Peter...he's heard lots of things in the past that he hasn't told anyone about...that's why we're all happy to talk in front of him."
"He didn't so much tell me about your conversation, he told me not to wear the dress I was about to put on...he told me that you liked this dress the best of all of my dresses and when I told him that I would wear the dress you liked best...that's when he told me that you would like it even better if I didn't wear a bra or knickers under it! I pressed him to tell me why he thought that...he wasn't happy to tell me but he finally did when I said that I'd wear knickers and bra under it if he didn't."
Ron smiled at my comment, then he cleared his throat, "I don't suppose that Peter mentioned anything else he heard that day...did he?"
"What do you mean...something like, you and Paul would both like to take me to bed bed?"
Ron almost choked, "Okay, I can see that I need to be careful what I say in front of Peter in the future!"
"You don't need to worry about Peter, he would never have told me anything like that, I just assumed that the way both you and Paul flirt with me whenever John isn't around...I just assumed that you'd both love to have sex with me, either on your own...or...both together!"
"You mean you know that but you never even mentioned anything about it...we could have been having so much fun over the years if only you'd said something!"
"You know that my mother was a weirdo, she hammered it into me never to agree to sex with anyone from the day I was born!"
The conversation was cut short at that moment because we'd reached the hotel and the entrance to the restaurant. I slipped out of the left hand side of Ron's car and stood in the sun waiting for Ron to lock his car and join me. It was the first time that Ron had seen the way I was dressed in the sunlight, he knew the dress I was wearing, knew that it was strapless and quite short, basically just a thirty inch long Lycra tube but the last time I'd worn it for him, there had been slight lumps and bumps where the tight Lycra crossed over my bra and knickers. Now, as I stood waiting for him in the bright sunlight, Ron saw for the first time that the only lines visible through the tight dress were the outline of my suspender belt and the tops of my stockings, no other signs of underwear.
Ron's face broke into a wide grin when he realised that I'd left my bra and knickers off, he already knew that I was wearing stockings, he'd seen the dark band peeping out from under the bottom hem of my dress as I sat in his car.
"Your suspender belt looks very lacy!"
"I tried to find some self support stockings but I don't have any without ladders in them, I thought that you'd rather see the outline of a suspender belt under my dress than the thought that I'd be wearing tights under it."
Ron's grin widened and he nodded his head in agreement.
Once in the restaurant we were met by a young girl...well, a girl who looked around fifteen years old, I actually recognised her as a girl from Dawn's class at school, so she would have been between fourteen years old and fifteen. She took our name and guided us to our table. We were sitting at a table at the side of a conservatory, the owner used the conservatory for parties, like the one that Sarah went to recently for her friend's birthday.

Page 4

"I see Calum is in the restaurant area...he must be running a birthday party this afternoon...he never usually leaves his office, he calls it his command centre, he can see everything that's going on around the hotel from his CCTV cameras."
Another young girl came up to the table to ask if we were ready to order. Ron said, "We're waiting for two others to join us but could we have a white wine and a scotch on the rocks while we're waiting please?"
"I'll call the wine waiter over for you sir!"
"Can't you just pass my order over to the wine waiter for me?"
"It's against the law for me to get involved in alcohol orders of any kind."
The wine waiter was also a young girl, she looked the same age as the girl who had told us that she couldn't get involved in alcohol orders, she took Ron's order and left.
"I can understand someone being too young to handle alcohol but the two girls looked the same age to me."
Ron chuckled, "They are the same age, they're actually twins but not identical twins. Our waitress is at Sixth Form College and working here part time. Her sister is on an apprenticeship in the hotel industry and so, because she's on a recognised training course, she's allowed to serve alcohol at sixteen."
"How do you know so much about the girls?"
"Let's just say that I'm a friend of their mother!"
"How long have you been a friend of their mother?"
"Since she left school...eighteen years ago. She came to work for me in my office as an office junior, she managed to qualify before she went on maternity leave...she never came back to work, two kids in one go were a little more than a single mother could handle. I'm actually putting their mother through college at the moment to refresh her qualifications so that she can take a job with my company again."
When our drinks were brought back to our table, I took a more critical look at the wine waiter, the Clarke genes were really strong and in my mind I usually filtered out the 'Clarke Face' but on critical inspection, I realised that the girl had massive similarities to my own daughters. I sipped at my wine and used the glass to slightly cover my face. "So, do you know who the father is?"
Ron grinned at me, "The only thing we can be sure of is that your John isn't in the frame!"
"What about the date of conception...doesn't that narrow the potential father down a little?"
Ron shook his head, "You really want to know?"
"What else do we have to talk about until your customers arrive?"
"Potential the moment!"
"I thought you already had the groundworks contract for their building?"

Page 5

"Ah! see, the thing is...they were desperate for the land and my friend, Don Fisher, the former owner of the land insisted on them using him for all the groundworks. So they are actually his customers and he has subcontracted the work out to Clarke Construction, so Don will take the lion's share of the profit, that's why Paul wants me to pitch for the main build as well so we can make some meaningful profit on the job."
"You wouldn't be trying to avoid the issue of the Clark family issue would you Ron?"
He laughed, "No...well...can you remember back to when John got the promotion to Northern Regional Manager for Great Universal?"
"Yes, we were all surprised, at the time, that a part time student of architecture would be given control of six hundred square miles of retail in the north of England."
"Yes, but John was good at organising things, GUS could see that and gave him a chance back then...and can you remember a young girl throwing herself at John?"
"I can...I thought that she was a little pathetic, every time John knocked her back, she came on to him even harder...right up until we went home."
"She was desperate...Simon had given her three hundred pounds to seduce John at his party."
"The little bugger, I'll slap the back of his head when I see him again..."
Ron interrupted me mid rant, "Well, she came to Simon and offered to give him his three hundred pounds back after John left, Simon offered to double the money if the girl took on all the men that were left at the party. She certainly earned her six hundred pounds and as all the men that fucked her were members of the family, I have been supporting her and the kids ever since."
"Couldn't you have done a DNA test to find the true father?"
"I didn't want to do anything like that...I'm not actually sure if I'm the twins father but I'm sure that I'm their grandfather."
"If the girl had sex with all the men that were still at the could be their grandfather or their uncle, two of your brothers were there as well as several of their sons!"
"Okay, I hadn't thought of that, I could be their grandfather as well as their uncle or father."
I was just about to process the meaning of that last statement when two elderly men in smart suits turned up at our table...not business suits, these were top of the line clothes...Bond street or Armarni.
Ron introduced me to Alan and Richard Downham, brothers from London, they weren't property developers, they needed a distribution warehouse in the midlands for their fashion business, a place close to a main motorway so that their delivery trucks could get around the country in the shortest time.
I stood up to shake both men by the hand, both men grinned at me, as soon as I stood up, they realised just how little I was wearing to cover my body.
Ron called his daughter, granddaughter/niece over to order drinks for Alan and Richard. As soon as the two men took their seats, Ron's other daughter, granddaughter/niece brought another two menus over and handed them to the newcomers.
While we were all perusing the menu I saw Calum Benson heading for the reception, I looked out of the window, there was an obscenely long stretched limo standing at the front door of the restaurant. Calum greeted the first girl to step out of the car, she was dressed like a catwalk model but she looked like she was only fifteen or sixteen. The stretched Mercedes spewed ten young girls in total onto the restaurant's car park and Calum touched every one of them as he greeted them.

Page 6

There were six young waitresses inside the restaurant waiting for customers to come in with nothing to do because there were only the four of us sitting in the restaurant but still Calum, the hotel's owner, was handling the birthday party on his own.
Calum guided the ten girls through the restaurant to the conservatory. I spotted one of Dawn's friends, Molly Pickering, in the group so I assumed that she was fourteen, the same as Dawn but she wasn't dressed like a fourteen year old...while the other nine girls were dressed like catwalk models, Molly was dressed like a junior whore, her dress was strapless, backless and almost frontless. Calum stood behind Molly as he asked the girls what they would like to drink, he had his hand on Molly's shoulder and he was stroking his thumb up and down the back of her neck.
The birthday girl said, "Erm Mr mother said that she would pay extra if we were all allowed a small glass of house white...she said that it is relatively low alcohol and if she were here with us you'd allow us to drink a little wine with our could we all have a small white wine please."
Calum was in an awkward position, the law stated that he couldn't sell alcohol to anyone under eighteen years of age but the law didn't actually state that under eighteen year olds couldn't drink alcohol, especially with a meal in a restaurant. Calum took his mobile phone out of his pocket and called the girls mother and while he held his conversation, he was massaging Molly's shoulder and neck.
I was dragged back to my own table, a hand on my right knee. I knew that it wasn't Ron, he was sitting opposite me, Alan was sitting on my right and his brother on my left. I looked at Alan, "I said that I was really impressed with the design work on my new building...Ron tells me that your husband John was the lead architect on the building and it sailed through the outline planning process."
I looked down at my knee, Alan had squeezed my knee to get my attention but now his hand was still there, just stroking my knee a little and pulling my right leg a little closer to him. I watched as the dark band at the top of my stocking came into view and the lilac snap was just peeping out from under the hem of my dress.
I looked at Ron, he couldn't see exactly what Alan was doing but he could see the position of Alan's arm, Ron smiled at me and he gestured with his head towards the toilets. I gave my lunch order to the waitress and then excused myself. I walked to the toilets and Ron joined me a few moments later...
"I'm sorry about that...Alan and Richard have heard about my business lunches before...they were expecting Mary to be here as it is a sales meeting for Clarke Construction and usually after business is concluded, they would expect me to book them into a hotel room with Mary!"
I have to say that I wasn't surprised one little bit...I always assumed that my sisters-in-law got up to more at these functions that I ever had in the past.
"The thing is...I've never asked you to go the extra mile before because you always seemed so conservative. But seeing you dressed like this today and the fact that you didn't throw your water in Alan's face when he started playing with your knee under the table...I was wondering if you would be willing to go to a bedroom with Alan and Richard. You won't be expected to go all the way but they would expect a little nudity and a minimum of hand relief...what do you think?"
"Would you be in the room as well?"
"Not unless you'd feel safer having me there with being there sometimes puts the punters off their game!"

Page 7

"Okay..." Ron was about to walk back to the table but I stopped him, "...the thing'll need to tell them not to ask me outright to do anything...I won't be able to say yes...things just have to happen as they will. Will that be a problem?"
"No, when we bring a youngling into the game we usually play cards...strip poker is always a good way to get things just say stop if we go too far for you!"
I let Ron go back to the table, I waited by the toilet a little longer. I was close enough to the bar to watch Calum making the drinks for the girls he was serving. I watched him fill a one twenty-five mill wine glass with white wine from a cask, he filled it to the very top and then tipped it into a larger wine glass, a two fifty mill glass. He put the same measure of wine into each of nine glasses before topping the glass up with lemonade. Then he picked out another large wine glass but this time the glass had a spiral twist to the stem, he put the same measure of wine into that tenth glass but this time, not the low alcohol house white, he picked out a bottle of full strength wine, seventeen percent alcohol rather than the nine percent of the house wine. He half filled the smaller glass with the stronger wine and tipped that in on top of the first so the tenth glass was around seventy-five percent wine and twenty-five percent lemonade.
I followed Calum through the restaurant back to my table, I saw Alan and Richard in deep conversation with Ron, they both nodded their heads in agreement as I approached the table and both Alan and Richard stood up to welcome me back to the table.
I settled into my seat, I looked over at the birthday party, Alan's hand slipped back onto my right knee and he pulled my right leg towards him...just as he had before I left the table but this time, Richard had his hand on my left knee and was pulling my left leg towards him. I watched Calum handing out his wine to the group of girls, he had started with the girl to the left of Molly and had left Molly until the end, the final glass on Calum's tray had the spiral twist up the stem and as Calum handed Molly her glass of wine, he was once again, massaging the back of her neck.
As soon as I saw Molly take her first sip of wine and she smiled up at Calum, I looked down at my lap, my knees were wide apart and because the Lycra dress was so tight, the hem had ridden up so high that there was white flesh showing with bands of Lilac lace leading down to the snaps holding my stockings up.
I was held in that position during the meal and Ron outlined to Alan and Richard why Clarke Construction were the natural choice to build their distribution hub. My husband John was one factor, his plans had been used for the initial planning and building regulations, his design had been passed..."John's services are into the price of construction if our own company actually builds the main complex, if you want to use another builder, they will have to negotiate separately with John to use his plans. If you don't go with John's plans...well, you'll have to commission a new architect to draw up plans of their own, that will take several weeks, those new plans will have to be resubmitted to planning, that's a minimum of an eight week delay."
There was a discussion around that aspect of the build process, if everything went to plan, there would be a three month delay in starting the build.
Alan said, "Well, that won't be too bad, it will take longer than that to get the steelwork fabricated once the plans are passed!"
Ron jumped in as Richard was agreeing with his brother, "You are forgetting gentlemen, We've had the plans for six weeks already, Clarke Steel Fabrication has already loaded John's schedule of parts into their computer, we can form all the steelwork from stock in build rotation order, we could have the first steel up in two weeks from your signature on the contract. There is another factor, we already have our security compound up and running, if we have to finish work after the groundworks have finished, it will take two weeks to clear site and will cost a few thousand pounds, that was in the original contract, if we don't actually leave site at that point, those savings can be passed back to you."

Page 8

Ron finished his main course, "And that brings us to your schedule sixty-one contributions, how are you planning on finding the half a million pounds to the social fund?"
Richard waved his knife in Ron's general direction, "We usually appeal against the size of the contribution, that holds off payment for six months, we usually make a saving of between five and ten percent of the initial fee..."
Alan interrupted his brother, "Ah...yes but don't forget Basingstoke, they uplifted the cost by five percent!"
Ron nodded his head, "They've started adding in penalties here too if it looks like the appeal is just a delaying tactic...the thing is, I've approached the powers that be and offered them ten social housing units on Clarke Pastures Housing Development, on paper the ten houses will be worth ten percent higher than the half a mill but because we're already on site and are building three hundred houses, we have the benefit of scale, our build costs...including profits will come in at half that, I'm suggesting that if we do build your factory, we can share the difference."
Alan looked at Richard and he looked back, "We're going to need a little privacy to chat through things Ron!"
"I expected as much, it's a big chunk of capitol to lay out, I've got a suite booked, they'll give you the key to it at reception desk, just call me on my mobile when you're ready to talk about a deal and we'll come up!"
Calum was dishing out the after dinner coffee and petit four to the birthday party, he cleared his throat and said, "Would any of you girls like to have a guided tour off the hotel while your friends are drinking their coffee?"
Ron slid into Alan's empty seat and touched my hand, "Watch this, Calum has been working on the girl in the strapless dress, she'll want the guided tour but none of the other girls will...just watch this!"
I watched as Molly looked around the table at all of her friend's faces, then she picked up a strawberry petit four, popped it into her mouth and calmly announced, while chewing the sweetmeat, "I don't like coffee anyway, can I have the guided tour please Mr Benson?"
Calum pulled Molly's seat out of the way as she stood up, she was almost as tall as Calum in her high heels, "Please call me Calum...what should I call you?"
I followed Calum and Molly with my eyes as he took her towards the kitchens. Ron turned sideways on to me and his left hand slipped onto my right upper thigh, I realised that I'd left my legs spread apart the way that Alan and Richard had left them and now Ron's hand was slipping up the last few inches of my leg that was covered by my dress and his right hand slipped onto the small of my back. I had to look all around in case anyone heard the squelch sound that Ron's fingers made as he pushed them up into my pussy, I was literally dripping wet inside.
Ron whispered in my ear, "Well, at least I don't have to give you anything to get you ready for sex!"
I stopped impersonating a radar aerial with my head and focussed in on Ron's face, "What do you mean?"
"Sometimes a girl needs a little chemical help for her first time...I keep a stock of very good quality ecstasy to help them over the hump...I don't think that Molly will need any help and neither will you!"
Ron noticed that I was looking at the kitchen door that Calum had just directed Molly through, "She won't be in the kitchen for long, as soon as Calum is happy that the other nine have stopped looking towards the kitchen he'll slip her out and take her down to the main conference room as it isn't being used today."

Page 9

Ron was right, I could actually see Calum's face at the little round window set in the door to prevent food related collisions, Calum was watching the rest of the birthday party before pulling Molly out of the kitchen. I lifted myself up in my seat so that I could see which door Calum pulled Molly through next. Lifting my bottom had given Ron better access to my quim and I had to grab his wrist to stop him before I had a very noisy climax right there in the main restaurant.
Ron realised that I was watching where Calum was dragging Molly to, he grinned, "Well, he walked past the first door into the conference room but he's just pulled the girl into the second door...I guess the first door is too close to the toilets for comfort!"
I sank back down in my seat as soon as Calum and Molly were out of sight and I let Ron's hand go free and he started masturbating me again but his handy work wasn't having the same powerful effect that it had before I stopped him.
"We could go down and watch a little if you like!"
I gasped at his offer and again I had to stop his hand moving between my legs.
"Come on!"
Ron pulled me down towards the toilet, he stopped at the first door into the conference room and opened it as silently as he could. I could see Calum and Molly at the other end of the room, they were in a deep and passionate kiss, Calum pulled his mouth away from Molly's but she was fighting to keep the kiss going as long as she could.
Calum said, "So who told you about me Molly?"
Molly tried to recapture his lips again before saying, "My best friend Dawn Clarke!"
Ron quickly covered my mouth with his hand to stop my gasp becoming audible.
"I don't remember ever playing with any girl called Dawn Clarke!"
Molly gave up trying to kiss Calum and she started to rub her hand over the front of his trousers, she was snatching at his zipper to open his stable doors. I watched as Molly hauled Calum's cock out of his trousers, holding it in both hands. She started masturbating him while he just stood there with his arms at his side.
"No, Dawn didn't play here, it was her older sister Sarah that told her about you and then Dawn told me that your hotel tours are a lot of fun!"
Calum still had his arms at his side, Molly let go of his cock with one hand and she pulled the front of her dress down, exposing her breasts...Dawn wasn't massive but for her age she was a giant of a woman, she'd had a growth spurt since the last time I saw her hanging out with Dawn.
Calum moved his hands now, he was palpating Molly's breasts, "I remember Sarah Clarke now...she's coming to work here in the hotel over the summer holidays. I remember Sarah now, she was very flexible, she could do a standing splits, when I brought her in here, she managed to put her foot on my shoulder while I fucked her."
Molly wriggled her hips and her dress slithered down to the floor, she was dressed in the same way that I was but where my stockings were held up by a suspender belt, Molly had worn self support stockings.

Page 10

Molly said, "Sarah's a dancer, she's really flexible..." Molly leaned back against the wall and lifted her left foot out of the puddle of Lycra around her ankles and without letting go of his cock, she lifted her foot up and placed it on Calum's right shoulder, "...I'm a dancer too and I can do the same steps as Sarah!"
Calum leaned in and as he kissed Molly, I watched as she guided his cock into her cunt and he started fucking her.
Ron took his hand off of my mouth and put his finger against his lips to keep me quiet, he opened the door as carefully as he could and pulled me out into the passageway.
"Ron...why can't we stay and watch? Is it just me or is it very hot in here?"
"My phone's vibrating, I've got to take a're probably feeling hot from watching Calum drilling Molly in there!"
"Yes, you're probably right, I can't believe how hot it is watching two people fuc....ooops! I nearly said F.U.C.K.!"
Ron moved his phone to his ear, "Okay, we'll be right up!"
As Ron was closing his call to Alan or Richard down he asked me if I was feeling thursty.
"Now you come to mention it my mouth is dry as the Sahara...that's probably caused by watching Calum and Molly..." I lowered my voice to a whisper and ended my comment with, "...fuck!"
Ron pulled me to the bar and asked the waitress for a glass of tap water, she handed over a six hundred mil glass of cold water, filled to the top, as I picked it up I thought, 'That was a waste of water, I'll never drink all that!' And suddenly I had, all the water gone in one go while I was still standing against the bar so I put the empty glass back on the bar. And then did a double take on the amount of water I'd just drank in one go.
Ron linked his arm in mine and guided me towards the lift, "Do you feel better now?"
"I'm still feeling really hot and still a little thirsty and now I'm confused..."
"What about?"
"Well, God knows that Sarah's no angel and she's been flirting with boys since she could walk but I've just found out that she had sex with that sleaze-ball Calum Benson when she was only fifteen...I should be angry...hell, I just watched him..." whispered "fucking", "...a fourteen year old girl and instead of marching in and stopping him, I just stood there watching and getting all hot and bothered! I should be angry but I'm not...I think I'm actually turned on by it all!"
"The thing is Vicky, from what I saw, Molly was the one that was desperate for sex from Calum, she was making all the running and I think that Calum acted like a gentleman...hell, from what I saw of the girl, if Calum had wanted to, he could have fucked her on the table top in front of her friends but he didn't, he was discrete and after he's finished with her, she can go back to her friends and they won't know what she's been up to unless she tells them herself."
Ron took a slight detour via our table to collect his briefcase and I could hear all the girls at the birthday party chattering excitedly, one comment I heard from the birthday girl was, "Where do you think Calum is Doing Molly?"

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The girl on her left said, "Well, when he did my sister he took her in the men's toilet, she said that dozens of men used the toilet while he was screwing her in the stall...she said that it was more exciting knowing that men were pissing just a few inches away from where he was fucking her!"
Ron pulled me away from the conversation and on to our meeting. Ron had to knock on the door to the suite for Alan to open it. I was guided into the room and Ron sat me at the desk under the window. He got me another large glass of water and handed it to me. I looked from Ron to Alan and Richard, I noticed Alan smile at his brother and nod his head in my direction as I swallowed at the water greedily.
There was only one clarification to the contract that the brothers needed to know about, something called commission but, even though I was no business brain, it looked to me like a bribe, Ron was talking about two percent of the total contract price being put into a numbered bank account in the Cayman Islands, 'For holiday spending money!'
Alan demanded three percent split equally over two numbered bank accounts, Alan was upping the ante from twenty thousand pounds to thirty thousand, still peanuts in the grand scheme of things, Ron agreed instantly, he shook hands on the deal and because the 'Commission' was a hidden element to the agreement, the contract didn't need to be amended. Ron put the contract papers on the desk right in front of me for Alan and Richard to sign. Alan took the pen first and he stood behind me, I felt him press his crotch against my back between my shoulder blades, his left hand on my left shoulder as he signed with his right hand, Richard did a similar thing, but being left handed, he put his right hand on my right shoulder as he pressed his groin between my shoulder blades and signed the contract with his left hand.
Ron snatched up the contract from the desk with a flourish, "I've got to go down to reception to get this photocopied Vicky, are you okay stopping here with Alan and Richard?"
I looked to my left and looked at Alan's face and then to my right and looked into Richard's face, they were both smiling warmly at me, "I'll be fine thanks Ron."
There was almost a handshake between Ron and Alan before Ron left the suite, I saw Alan pass the room key over to Ron under cover of the handshake.
I remembered Ron telling me about young girls playing cards with Ron's customers to warm things up but looking from Alan to Richard, I knew that the longer I put things off, the more chance there was for one of them saying something that my brain would interpret as a request for sex, and even though my body was well up for it, I was worried that my brainwashing would kick in and I'd run for the hills rather than stay and have fun with two men.
I jumped to my feet and, working on the principal that Alan was the older of the two brothers, I stepped up in front of him, wrapped my arms around his neck and planted my lips against his. I felt Alan's hard cock pressing into my belly through our clothes and started to roll my hips slightly so that my belly rubbed up and down against his trousered cock. Two minutes after I locked lips with Alan and started to rock his cock against my belly, Richard stepped up behind me, I felt his hot breath on the back of my nexk, then his chest pressing my upper body harder against Alan's chest.
Richard placed his hands on my hips, Alan's hands were wrapped around my lower back helping to increase the pressure of my grinding against his cock and then I felt Richard's hard cock nudging my buttocks. Alan gripped me tighter and lifted my feet clear of the floor and I felt Richard's cock slap against the back of my leg and when Alan put me back on the ground, I felt the heat of Richard's cock slid up the backs of my thighs towards my bare buttocks.

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I regained my balance and then let my left arm slip off of Alan's neck and let it fall to my side before letting it swing back a little further, I let my hand rub against Richard's thigh, he wasn't wearing trousers or underpants, I slip my hand higher, Richard was shirtless as well, in fact, I hadn't checked...but I assumed that in the two minutes before he kissed the back of my neck, Richard had stripped off totally.
Richard spent a while positioning the head of his cock into the furrow between my buttocks, it took him longer because I was still rolling my hips to rub Alan's cock with my belly through our clothes and then Richard suddenly stabbed his hips upwards, hitting totally the wrong hole, I gasped my pain into Alan's mouth.
I let go of Alan's neck and turned to face Richard, if he wanted to fuck me standing up, he'd have better luck if I were facing him went through my mind.
As I turned Richard's cock remained in contact with my body under my dress. Once I was facing him I looked down to see his cock but it was hidden under the hem of my dress. Alan pulled at the top of my dress, he rolled the Lycra down my body, Richard backed away a few inches to allow my dress to fall past his cock and once I was standing there in just my stockings and suspender belt, Alan backed away from me.
Richard pulled my body into his, thrusting his cock against my pussy and as he acquired my mouth, I spotted Alan's reflection in the mirror, Alan was undressing quickly, the last thought to cross my mind as my lips crushed into Richard's was, 'Alan's cock looks lovely!"
I started doing with Richard what I was doing with Alan before Richard joined in, rolling my hips slowly to rub my pussy mound against Richard's bare cock. Three or four rotations later and Richard bent his knees as I lifted my pussy slightly and instead of Richard's cockhead rubbing through fur, it dropped lower and as he stood up and I rolled down, his cock engaged and I felt him pop up into my cunt.
Alan was now behind me and I felt something cold and wet against my bottom, Alan eased my bum cheeks apart and the cold wet feeling hit that spot that Richard had hit with his cockhead moments earlier.
Alan massaged the cold jelly into my anal muscle and as his brother fucked me standing up, Alan eased his finger up my bum. I expected pain but he got a finger all the way up my bum without any discomfort, he said, "Does that feel okay?"
I felt my body stiffen involuntarily...Richard felt my stiffening through my cunt and his cock...Alan even felt it through his finger up my arse...I hard Alan whisper "Bugger it!"
Richard stabbed his cock into me harder, I told myself that it was just a slip and that I should ignore it and I relaxed back into what Richard was doing to me.
Alan pulled his finger out of my bum and I was aware of him buttering whatever he'd pushed up my bum over the head of his cock. I closed my eyes again and blocked what Alan was doing out of my mind and settled into kissing and fucking with Richard until Alan stepped back into position behind me. Alan thrust up into my bum, there was a sting in my tail but nothing as painful as it had felt when Richard stabbed my bum earlier.
Now I was the meat in a Downham brother's sandwich. I'd never had anal sex before...I'd never had sex standing up before but it didn't bother me one little bit that I was being fucked by two men at the same time in a hotel suite.
The three of us were busy when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I pulled my lips off of Richard's mouth and opened my eyes, Ron was back in the room, I looked at him, he was as naked as the rest of us and was offering me a drink of water, close to another half a pint of liquid, probably more water than I'd drunk in a whole day before...never mind in just an hour.

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Ron called an end to play while I drank my water, a whispered conversation with the Downham brothers and as I emptied the glass, we all tumbled into the suite's bedroom. Alan climbed onto the bed on his back and Ron managed me into position on the bed, on my back and then up on top of Alan so that my shoulders were against his chest. Alan slipped his cock into my bum again and as soon as his pubic hair hit my buttocks, Richard clambered between my legs and I was the meat in a Downham brother's sandwich once again.
I kissed Richard as he fucked me but Ron came into play again, he pulled my mouth away from Richard and eased his cock into my mouth. Another first for me, first time giving oral sex to a man...oooh! And another first, first incest...well, if sucking my husband's father's cock counted as incest?
Ron had to really teach me how to suck his cock but after ten minutes, I'd got the hang of it and got him close to his orgasm. Ron jumped back, pulling his cock from my mouth just in time to prevent his passing the finish post. Ron checked his watch, "Time for a change of venue I think gentlemen!"
Richard pulled his cock out of my cunt at Ron's suggestion of a move. I knew that the suite had two bedrooms but we were in the bigger of the two rooms and this room had the bigger of the two beds.
"I don't want to move!"
All three men laughed at my winging, Ron said, "You don't have to worry Vicky, it's we men that are changing location."
I was eased off of Alan's cock and Ron wiped the jelly, that had piled up around my anal muscle, away with a tissue and while Alan and his brother went into the bathroom Ron took me back into the sitting room, he filled my glass with tap water again, my fourth glass of water in just about an hour.
"Are you okay?"
"What do you mean Ron?" I felt my muscles clenching again...just hoping to hell that Ron didn't trigger my preconditioning to say no to sexual offers.
"Are you still feeling hot and thirsty?"
I nodded my head, I was still thirsty...even though I'd had so much water to drink.
"Are you feeling guilty at all?"
"Guilty about what?"
"You know...what we're all doing in the you feel at all guilty about doing all that behind John's back?"
I shook my head, Alan walked out of the bathroom drying his cock on a hotel towel, "If John liked sex or if he wanted to have sex with me...I'd feel guilty but as it is, he doesn't want me and you three do...why shouldn't I have fun?"
Ron turned to Alan, "Right, have you agreed on locations for the next session guys?"
I pointed to the main bedroom...that's where I voted for.
Alan said, "We have Ron...come on!"
Alan climbed on the bed on his back again. I lay at his side and went to get back in the same position that I'd been in before the water break but Alan stopped me, he rolled me so that I was face down on top of him. Alan fucked up into my cunt and once he got into his stride, Richard climbed in behind me. Richard's cock was slightly fatter than his brother's cock but it only caused a slight discomfort as it entered my arse. Ron was kneeling above Alan's head and I was sucking his cock once again.

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I started to climax very noisily, in the first session I was being actively fucked in my arse and was concentrating hard on sucking Ron's cock so the pleasure in my vagina was very minimal. Because of my new position on my knees above Alan's cock, Richard's fucking in my arse was rocking me wildly on Alan's cock and Ron's cock in my mouth was moving in and out because of the motion of my body so I didn't need to concentrate, just keep my teeth out of play.
I noticed Ron keeping time again, I wasn't taking him close to his pleasure zone this time.
"Fifteen minutes gentlemen, time to change locations again!"
It was Richard this time that went to wash his cock. I was given yet another glass of water and I complained that it was hard to drink any more...I needed a pee to clear the decks first.
All four of us were in the toilet while I went for my pee, I was asked to lift the toilet seat and stand up to pee like a man. I knew the mechanics of how my body worked, I lifted the seat and stood with my legs on either side of the toilet bowl spread wide apart. With three men looking on closely I started the flow, by pulling the skin above my clitoris up with my fingers, I managed to even direct the flow so that it didn't just fall straight down as usual, I could aim with some degree of accuracy.
I had my fifth glass of tap water and the four of us returned to the bedroom.
Ron held me back at the door..."Do you think that you could suck Alan off...I mean all the way off?"
I shrugged my shoulders...I just wasn't sure.
"Well, he'll be the only one fucking you and you nearly got me all the way off on your first attempt...the thing is, it might taste a little foul but no matter what, don't stop, don't spit any out...just swallow it all down and I'll give you a mint after if it tasted too bad for you!"
Richard was on one side of me and Ron on the other but it was just me and Alan playing on the bed. Alan placed me on my back and he clambered on top in the missionary position, he fucked me hard, giving me orgasm after orgasm until Ron held up five fingers. Alan grabbed me and rolled onto his back so that I was riding on top and this time it was up to me to do all the work. I was given five minutes to give as much pleasure as I could to Alan and take as much as I could.
Once again it was Ron who called time on my girl on top sex. Alan eased me off of his cock and turned me around, he placed me on the bed with my knees on either side of his head, I was pulled down and as my mouth closed in on Alan's cock I thought, 'Now this is what Ron told me to do!'
My body stiffened, the mental door almost slammed shut on me...Ron had told me to suck Alan's get him off in my mouth but he'd said it in such a way that my inner guardian had missed it. The last inch before Alan's cock entered my mouth took an age but eventually I cast all thoughts from my head apart from the instructions that Ron had given me when I was sucking his cock.
One other thought entered my head as Alan's tongue entered my cunt from below, 'First oral sex from a man...what a day!'
I settled into my job of sucking, applying a little gentle suction, a good seal with my lips, moving my head up and down two inches and massaging his cock, from his root to my lips. After just a few seconds Alan's hips started jerking up into my face and the two inches of cock in and out of my mouth moved to almost six inches.

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Alan started to groan, "Fucking hell she's fantastic...a true natural cock sucker.!"
Ron leaned his head into me a little closer, "Vicky, do you think you could take him in a little deeper?"
I nodded my head as Ron put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my head down, that and my nodding action caused my throat to line up in just the right way and the head of Alan's cock slipped inside my throat just as he exploded into my mouth.
I swallowed as fast as I could to take all of his spunk down into my stomach, Ron's instruction not to spit any of Alan's spunk out was playing on my mind and I was desperate to please Ron and swallow every drop.
I was given my sixth glass of water and the next change happened. Richard fucked me for ten minutes, he didn't want me on top, he jut wanted to drill for oil as hard and as fast as he could and at ten minutes he changed, he got me to go onto my hands and knees, he knelt in front of my face and fed his cock into my mouth, as he sterted fucking my mouth Ron said, "Vicky...can I fuck you while you suck Richard's cock please?"
I nodded my head and thought, 'Hey, what the hell, Ron's just asked me outright if he can fuck me and I didn't say no!'
It was really hard to climax while sucking a cock but I did manage it. Richard quickly found the right line to get his cock into my throat and as soon as his cock entered my throat I started swallowing almost involuntarily and my swallowing along with everything else got Richard off in double quick time. Again I swallowed everything without spilling a drop.
I was concentrating so hard on swallowing every droplet of Richard's seed that I missed Ron firing his bullets into me at the exact same moment.
I fell onto the bed and lay there panting for breath as Alan and Richard dressed quite quickly. Both men kissed me goodbye and left the suite. Ron cuddled me against his naked body and we just sat together naked on the bed kissing until I got my breath back.
Ron whispered, "I really wish that I could get another erection I did when I was younger but once I've shot my load I'm soft for two or three hours. If you ever want a rematch...just let me know...if you want Alan or Richard's contact details I'm sure that they'd drive up here to fuck you again any time that you want them too!"
Ron and I showered together and then I dressed again, at some point during the sex my stockings had been destroyed and in the shower I noticed little bite marks all around my neck, I checked my watch, John wouldn't be home for ages, he would be with the girls at dance class until six o'clock so my only problem would be Peter spotting that I'd be dressed differently to when I left home to go to lunch with his grandfather or see the bites around my neck.
"What will I say to Peter if he asks me where my stockings are or how I got all of these if he sees them before I can get to my concealer?" I pointed at the ring of bite marks around my neck.
"You don't have to worry too much about Peter, he's a man of the world...he might blackmail you though...he is after all a Clarke boy!"
"What do you mean...'Blackmail' me?"

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"You know, he might blackmail you to let him stay up later or he might ask for a trip to 'Adrenaline Alley', or to be allowed to drink a little beer...that sort of thing!"
I pulled my dress into place, threw my torn stockings away and compressed my suspender belt as small as I could get it to fit it into my clutch bag. Ron asked me if I was still feeling hot and thursty.
"I am...not quite as thirsty as earlier though."
"Probably a good thing...there's a bottle of water in my car, you can drink that on the way home."
Ron drove me straight home, it took just a few minutes. I spotted Peter leaving the park, he was on his way home, he was dressed in his football kit and had his ball under his arm. Ron tooted him.
"What the hell Ron, I could have changed and covered the bites up before Peter got home!"
"I'm sorry darling Peter...I'm a Clarke man as well. It is in my nature to share the pleasure around the family!"
Peter climbed in the back of his grandfather's car, he dropped his ball on the floor in the back and then he leaned forward and kissed my cheek, just before he settled back in his seat he touched my neck and said, "Mum, this looks like ten love bites around your really did take Aunty Mary's place at lunch with Grandpa today!"
Once in home Peter asked his grandfather if he'd like to go up to his bedroom with him. Ron led the way up to Peter's bedroom while Peter held me back in the kitchen.
"Mum, don't be mad at me but my grandfather always insists that I press any advantage I get in business and in life...he'll expect to see me taking advantage of this situation. If you don't want me to tell dad that you fucked the business men today, you'd better take that dress off and get up to my bedroom and wait for me while I get me and grandpa a can of beer each!"
I dropped my dress as I climbed the stairs, my brain was working overtime...'Well, I'm not sure if letting Ron fuck me was classed as incest but Peter was following me up to his bedroom and what I was about to let him do would definitely be incest...'
Peter handed Ron his can of beer, "How was she grandpa? Was she as good as Sarah?"
"My customers loved her, one of them said that she gave him the best blow-job he'd ever had. I only got to fuck her properly once but she stood well, took to the mounting like a bitch in heat!"
Peter dropped his shorts and underpants, "Come and suck my cock mummy dear, get it nice and hard to fuck you with!"
'Wow, no door slamming in my mind, my son had just asked me to suck his cock in the crudest of possible ways and I wasn't trying to refuse him. I just dropped to my knees and lifted his cock into my mouth and started sucking him.'
"You want to fuck her while she gets me ready Grandpa?"
"I've not long cum in her; I won't get hard for ages."

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Peter pushed my face away from his cock and over to my father-in-law..."She may as well suck your cock for you while I take her like a never know, she might just get you hard if she sucks you as well as she's just sucked me!"
Peter was almost standing behind me as he fucked me hard in the doggy style position while I sucked his grandfather off.
I had to spend so long with Peter and his grandfather that we almost got caught by John when he brought the girls back from dance class, I not only had the ten small bite marks on my neck, I also had a massive bite mark on the side of my breast. I wouldn't need concealer on my breast because John had no interest in looking at that part of my body. I ran for my room and pulled my dressing gown on, quickly rubbed concealer on the ring of bites around my neck and left my bedroom just as John walked into Peter's bedroom and found Peter and his grandfather playing video games together.
I cooked dinner and after dinner I took Sarah out for a walk, I had the hotel in my mind, I still felt hot but I wasn't so thirsty any more.
"Remember last year when you went to the hotel for your friend's birthday party?"
"Don't take that attitude...did you get offered the hotel tour?"
"Yes mummy!"
"Nit that attitude either young lady...did you go on the toure?"
"Yes I did!"
"Were you alone with the owner?"
"Well, it's kind of an individual thing, Calum only takes one girl at a time on the tour!"
"Why did you go on the tour?"
"I won the draw...all ten of us wanted to go but we know that if more than one accepts the offer all we get is a hotel tour!"
"What does that mean?"
" must know that Calum offers the visit so that he can get one girl on her own for sex and you obviously already know that I did the tour so you know that I was the one that had sex with Calum at the party."
Well, that took the wind out of my sails, I expected Sarah to lie about having sex with Calum. I stopped and was about to turn back for home as there was no point on going on.
"Hey mum, you hinted that I'd be getting a chocolate milk from the hotel restaurant of I walked with you...I could be at Robin's house right now...listening to music in his room!"
I turned back towards the hotel. When I'd set out, I'd planned to trip Sarah up in a lie about sex and then go and confront Calum, threaten to expose him to the world unless he stopped his dalliances! All I had now was confusion. Sarah hadn't lied about sex with Calam, a man older than her father.
I went to the reception desk and asked if we could order some drinks to have in the reception area as the restaurant was full. While we were standing at the reception desk, a man came in and asked if there were any serviced casual rooms.
The receptionist said, "I'm sorry sir, we have a casual room but no staff available to service it!"

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I thought I knew hotel offers but I thought that they only did serviced offices...i assumed that all hotel rooms were serviced but again, I'd never heard the term casual room before, I was drawn towards the disappointed looking man, I had so many questions that I needed to ask the man. Sarah realised what I was doing and she stepped in and stopped me touching the man's arm, she pulled me way just as the waitress came out with two glasses of chocolate milk.
We sat at a table in reception and the waitress brought them over to us, "Hi Sarah, pity you aren't working here yet, we were let down by Mandy Cooper tonight so we're short handed. When I saw that it was you out here waiting for the chocolate milk, I put double the chocolate ice cream, these thins must be two thousand calories..the fat will go straight to your puppies!"
"Why did you pull me away from that man...I wanted to ask him what a serviced casual room was."
The man had moved away from the reception desk but he was still in the reception area, he was looking through a little black book for a telephone number.
"Mum, you don't ask a man questions like that."
"Do you know what a serviced casual room is?"
"I do, a casual hotel room is an unbooked room that they are willing to rent out by the hour!"
Sarah nodded her head in my direction as if to say...'Do I need to say more?'
"And what about a serviced casual room?"
Sarah gave an exasperated that point the man was talking on his phone, "Are you free to join me at the hotel? ... oh, sorry, perhaps next time I'm in town...and I'll call you earlier next time!"
He went back to his little black book.
"The thing is mum, men bring women here to have sex with them, they don't need all night so they pay for a room by the hour and usually, they pay for the woman by the hour as well. Calum sometimes offers a serviced casual room where the woman is provided with the room by the hour."
"You mean a prostitute!"
"We prefer to call them escorts or therapeutic measures!"
I watched the man strike out again but this time he was watching Sarah and I as we sat there talking, I think he heard Sarah say escort or therapeutic measures because his frown turned upside down!
He put his little black book away and sauntered over to us.
"Good evening ladies...if you're at a loose end I have a room and a bottle of cask aged cognac in my overnight bag that I'm looking to share!"
Sarah gave the man a sweet smile, "Can you give us a moment or two please?" His grin widened and he walked over to the reception desk.
"Mum, can you go home and leave me here to have a drink with the John!"
"You know him?"
"No but I'd like to get to know him!"
"How do you know his name is John then?"

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"Not John, a's a generic term for men looking to buy sex...just like the girl willing to offer sex for payment are often called Toms!"
I was really confused now, "You want me to go home and leave you to have sex with a stranger?"
"'ve got it!"
"He might not be interested in a girl of your age...he might have been talking to me!"
"Mum, the girl that let them down tonight, the girl who should have been here to service the casual room was Mandy Cooper, she's a year younger than me, she's in Dawn's ballet classes, she works here one evening a week to pay for her dance lessons, clothes and things."
But the waitress said...well, intimated...she said that it was a pity that you hadn't started working here yet. I got the feeling that if you had already started working here..."
There was the sound of a penny dropping in my head as things fell into place.
The man came back from the reception desk with a room key in one hand and his overnight bag in the other!
I was about to say something, tell the man he was barking up the wrong alleyway or something but Sarah jumped in first, "Which one of us are you inviting to your room with you?"
The man looked around to make sure that no one could hear him, "Well, it's my birthday so I'm willing to splash out...I'll take both of you if you're not too expensive!"
Sarah had 'That look' on her face, the look she gets when the devil gets into her, "Can we have just one more minute please?"
He walked back to the reception desk and leaned against it.
"Mum, you went to Grandpa's business lunch today didn't you?"
I nodded my head.
"Did you start to feel really hot and thirsty?"
I nodded my head again.
"Did the men make you sore?"
"Not really why?"
"You still feeling hot or thirsty now?"
"I still feel hot but I'm not so thirsty now!"
"Are you still up for a little fun before you go back to 'Normal' and lose your sense of adventure?"
I grinned at her question. Sarah pulled me to my feet and dragged me behind her. "As it's your can have us both for the price of one serviced room's hourly rate."
"You mean on top of my paying for the casual room?"
Sarah hit the bell on the desk and called the receptionist to her post.
"Can you cancel Mr Smith's casual room and book him in for a serviced casual room and Vicky are offering him a two for one deal for his birthday!"

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Sarah took the man's key and dragged me up the stairs after her. He was hot on our heels but Sarah got far enough away to whisper to me, "Mum, have you ever gone lesbian?"
"No, I know that I went to all girl schools and it was rife amongst the other girls but I never got involved."
"He'll expect us to put on a lesbian show for him!"
"Have you ever had sex with a girl?"
"Mum, I've done everything apart from screwing far!"
Sarah unlocked the bedroom door I was dumbstruck! He caught up with us by the door as Sarah was opening it, he grabbed me and turned me to face him and kissed me. It was a passionate kiss with tongue that Sarah ended by pulling me away from him and into the bedroom.
Sarah took charge of things, "I'm going to call you John if that's okay, men usually lie about their real names anyway. I'm Sarah and this is my friend Victoria. I'm willing to call her mummy if that would help to turn you on more. you want to unwrap your birthday presents yourself, or...well, we could just undress each other and get started and when you're ready, you could just join does that sound to you!"
John grinned at her and then at me, he sat in the arm chair and unfastened his trousers, he made himself comfortable, his cock was already hard and he was dribbling pre-cum.
"You want me to pretend to be her daughter or shall we play students exploring?"
"Mother / daughter I think!"
Sarah grinned at me and winked.
Sarah undressed me and made me undress her, she was acting like a much younger girl and calling me mummy all the time. As I pulled her knickers down, I got a slight shock, there was just bare skin where I had expected to see a light brown fur had been there a year earlier, the last time I saw her naked in the swimming pool."
Once we were naked, Sarah took over properly, she started making love to me and getting me to make love to her. We'd spent thirty minutes giving each other pleasure. Sarah was doing all the work but making it look like I was taking an equal part.
We went through a whirlwind of position changes and when I got the chance to get my breath back, I was on my back, Sarah had her cunt against my mouth and she was grinding down against my lips as she licked my clitoris, just before she started me on yet another orgasm the thought popped into my head, 'What a day, my third go at incest...or could be only my second!' I also wondered about Dawn, she was two years younger than Sarah but during her life she had always done things that her older sister had done but within days so Dawn was as advanced as Sarah even though she was two years younger.
I'd actually started to really enjoy what we were doing, I'd totally filtered John out of my mind as he sat there rubbing his cock as he watched us. We changed position once again, I was still on my back with my legs wide open and Sarah was on top snogging me, she had her right thigh pressing against my vagina and hers was pressing down on my left thigh and she was humping both of us to climax and that's when John came back into sharp focus when he suddenly appeared on the bed totally naked, he touched Sarah on her shoulder and said, "Does my birthday present cover oral sex as well Sarah...or is that extra?"
I saw his cock close to my face while he was talking to Sarah and I just reached out for it and pulled it into my mouth. There was a little cock-fight between Sarah and me. I was new to cock sucking but in just one day I realised that I loved the feeling of a cock in my mouth and didn't really mind the bitter taste of semen in my mouth...and from the greedy way Sarah was fighting me for John's cock, she must love sucking cocks as well. Sarah won the tug of cock with me and as she sank her mouth deep down the length of his cock, she lifted one of his balls and pressed it against my lips.

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I got the message and while Sarah sucked his cock, I started licking and sucking his balls.
It was suddenly like the calm after the storm, Sarah pulled her mouth away from John's cock and pushed my mouth away from his balls. Sarah got her breath back and said, "You only have fifteen minutes of your birthday party left, if you go a minute over you'll be charged for another hour at the full which one of us do you want to finish off in?"
I was still on my back and Sarah's right thigh was still rubbing against my cunt. John looked thoughtful for a moment and then he pulled Sarah's right leg out from between mine and spread them so that her pussy was directly above mine...he climbed between out thighs and he slammed his cock into my cunt, he pulled back and left me totally before slamming his cock into Sarah's cunt, he started fucking at around normal speed for a man but alternating between Sarah's cunt and mine but because he was moving so fast between us the inevitable happened and he missed my cunt and hit my anus and sank up to his balls. There was just a little pain because of the anal activity of earlier and once John realised that he'd hit anal and I hadn't complained...he moved from my bum hole to Sarah's and that was where he stayed.
As John fucked Sarah's arse, her kisses became more urgent against my mouth as she went wild with her most powerful orgasm, she seemed to love being fucked in her arse.
Once John climaxed into Sarah's arse it was like the 'Getting dressed quickly' event in the Olympics. We were all at the reception desk within seconds of the hour coming to an end. John kissed both of us before leaving the hotel a happy man.
I was about to follow him through the door when the waitress turned up with two half filled glasses of chocolate milk. Sarah and I had left our drinks half finished when we went up to service John. Because the drinks were basically ice cream, milk and chocolate, our old drinks had been thrown away but because we were basically providing a service to the hotel's customer, they had decided that they would make us fresh drinks when we finished.
We sat talking and drinking our fresh drinks. I plucked up a little courage, "I only started anal sex today, John hurt me a little when he hit me accidentally but when he did you, you seemed to like it that way more than the other."
"I've been doing anal for years, my cousins call it going Greek and it has a lot of advantages...I can't get pregnant if I do Greek...I don't have to kiss the guy and it doesn't matter if he's ugly or not."
"How often have you done it that way?"
Sarah looked exasperated, "Mum, never ask questions that you don't really want to know the answer to!"
"I'm really interested...up until yesterday, sex was a mystery to me and today...well...I've had my eyes opened and I've seen first hand what I've been missing out on."
"I've let every boy in my year at school do me in the Greek way...some I've allowed to do me the right way around as well, the better looking ones...almost every one of my cousins have given me Greek...a few of my uncles have done me both ways..."
I stopped her there, she was probably right, I might just not...wait a minute..."A few of your uncles? You only have three uncles."
"Oh...okay then, all three of my uncles..Grandpa Ron...Great Grandpa..."
I stopped her again, "Okay, I can see that you really love anal come our cousins haven't tried it on with me?"
"Mum, you're well known for having a very bad temper, every one in the family know that you have a pump action shotgun and are the best shot in the family!"
After finishing our drinks we walked home arm in arm and about half way there two boys came out of the darkness, I instantly felt threatened but Sarah stepped in front off me..."You're out late Bum Face!"

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"Hi Sarah, I wondered if it was you walking this way home...who's your friend?"
"Just my cousin, she's stopping the night with us."
The boy that Sarah had called 'Bum Face' stepped in to kiss her but Sarah pushed him away...she turned her back on him and bent forward. He lifted the back of her dress and just started fucking her...i assumed up the bum!
The other boy made a move to kiss me but I pushed him off. He made another move and I punched him. Sarah shouted, "Stop, as soon as Brian has cum, you can do me after. My cousin isn't interested in sex!"
I stood there watching as the two boys used my daughters arse as a cum dump in the dark at the side of the road. I'd allowed anyone and everyone to fuck me during the day...I was confused as to why I'd fought the boy off.
Once Sarah had taken both boys cum we walked along again arm in arm, "When did you stop feeling hot mum?"
"I think while we were finishing out drinks in the hotel...why?"
"Pity, Dan has quite a nice cock, I would have let he fuck me face to face, you'd have liked him fucking you!"
"Sarah, language!"
Sarah hugged me, oh mum, pity you came down so soon!" With that, she kissed me on my cheek and we walked home.
I went straight to bed when we got home, I was exhausted after my day and fell straight to sleep. I didn't have a clam night's sleep, my mind was replaying my day of enlightenment out in my dreams as I slept. I was still exhausted in the morning even after almost ten hours of sleep but then, they say an orgasm is like running five mules and yesterday, I'd run three after the wonder I was so tired!
I was actually woken by Peter, he'd knocked my door and then come in carrying a tray with a cup of tea, a glass of orange and a plate of toast on it. He put the tray in front of me and closed my bedroom door but he was still on my side of the door. He came and sat on my bed, "Mum, Grandpa told me that I have to apologise to you about yesterday...not for fucking you but...well, I was a little harsh, threatening you while you were in that condition."
I kissed him on the cheek.
"But I still intend to collect my payment!"
"What do you mean...payment?"
"You know, I'm blackmailing you into having sex with least until after all the love bites have healed up!"
Yesterday I hadn't even thought about it, it just seemed normal...natural to let Peter fuck me while his grandfather fucked my mouth but all seemed so wrong.
Peter let me eat my toast and drink my tea, he moved my tray away when all I had left was the small glass of orange in my hand. He flicked my bed sheets away from my upper body before pulling the front of my nighty out of the way. I swallowed my drink and dropped the glass on the floor as he pulled my body down the bed and climbed between my thighs. He was fucking me by the time he said, "Grandpa told me that it is better not to ask you for sex...just to do you as quickly as I can and leave you alone again!"